REfactoring - extract method.

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REfactoring - extract method.

In Pharo 6 I select some code and then from menu choose Suggestions

If the code is one line it sometimes works but after the first fail it
then logs "Could not extract code from method'

If it has multiple lines including onbe message over lines I get a
debugger call back

In SugsNatilusContent

        selectedNode isMessage ifTrue: [ ^{selectedNode} ].
        ^(selectedNode statements select: [ :stat | stat containedBy:
selectionPreviousHighligth ])

selectionPreviousHighligth is nil

That nil is passed to RBMessageNode  containedBy: sp its anInterval is
nil and it crashes.

Apart from the bad spelling what is wrong here?


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Re: REfactoring - extract method.

Stephane Ducasse-3
Hi mark

this is probably a bug. 
Also the smart suggestions would need another pass to better integrate them. 

Can you open a bug entry? Now we are busy so this is not clear that it will be fixed. 


On Sat, Mar 25, 2017 at 6:08 PM, Mark Bestley <[hidden email]> wrote:
In Pharo 6 I select some code and then from menu choose Suggestions ExtractMethod

If the code is one line it sometimes works but after the first fail it then logs "Could not extract code from method'

If it has multiple lines including onbe message over lines I get a debugger call back

In SugsNatilusContent

        selectedNode isMessage ifTrue: [ ^{selectedNode} ].
        ^(selectedNode statements select: [ :stat | stat containedBy: selectionPreviousHighligth ])

selectionPreviousHighligth is nil

That nil is passed to RBMessageNode  containedBy: sp its anInterval is nil and it crashes.

Apart from the bad spelling what is wrong here?
