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RTAbstractLine>>width: MNU

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RTAbstractLine>>width: MNU

963 posts
Hi all,

I get an MNU on the following code:  RTLine new width: 2

This is because widthElement: is not implemented. It’s called here:

RTAbstractLine>> width: aBlockOrValue
        "Set the width of the shape"
        self widthElement: [ :e | aBlockOrValue rtValue: e model ].

Is there a quick workaround that I can do while I wait for this to be fixed?

Does this mail seem too brief? Sorry for that, I don’t mean to be rude! Please see http://emailcharter.org .

Johan Fabry   -   http://pleiad.cl/~jfabry
PLEIAD and RyCh labs  -  Computer Science Department (DCC)  -  University of Chile

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Re: RTAbstractLine>>width: MNU

Peter Uhnak
2019 posts

this should be the same issue as in the previous thread.

Btw if you don't need the very latest version, you can always check the CI https://ci.inria.fr/moose/job/roassal2/, open the latest green build, open "Console Output" and find whatever Roassal version was loaded there, e.g.
Fetched -> Roassal2-PeterUhnak.1394.
This is quite annoying, but it just gave me an idea… change #development of ConfigurationOfRoassal so it checks the CI for the latest green build and load just that.


On Wed, Aug 03, 2016 at 10:50:24AM -0400, Johan Fabry wrote:

> Hi all,
> I get an MNU on the following code:  RTLine new width: 2
> This is because widthElement: is not implemented. It’s called here:
> RTAbstractLine>> width: aBlockOrValue
> "Set the width of the shape"
> self widthElement: [ :e | aBlockOrValue rtValue: e model ].
> Is there a quick workaround that I can do while I wait for this to be fixed?
> --
> Does this mail seem too brief? Sorry for that, I don’t mean to be rude! Please see http://emailcharter.org .
> Johan Fabry   -   http://pleiad.cl/~jfabry
> PLEIAD and RyCh labs  -  Computer Science Department (DCC)  -  University of Chile
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Re: RTAbstractLine>>width: MNU

Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas-2
667 posts
Yes, please. Let's offer a more stable version of Roassal2 by default.
Last workshop/hackathon the WordCloud visualization didn't work (but the
internals, like calculating words frequencies were right). This is
expected from a hackathon and there were no complains from attendees,
but providing a sense of stability in important in Pharo/Moose/Roassal.



On 03/08/16 13:33, Peter Uhnak wrote:

> Hi,
> this should be the same issue as in the previous thread.
> Btw if you don't need the very latest version, you can always check the CI https://ci.inria.fr/moose/job/roassal2/, open the latest green build, open "Console Output" and find whatever Roassal version was loaded there, e.g.
> Fetched -> Roassal2-PeterUhnak.1394.
> This is quite annoying, but it just gave me an idea… change #development of ConfigurationOfRoassal so it checks the CI for the latest green build and load just that.
> Peter
> On Wed, Aug 03, 2016 at 10:50:24AM -0400, Johan Fabry wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I get an MNU on the following code:  RTLine new width: 2
>> This is because widthElement: is not implemented. It’s called here:
>> RTAbstractLine>> width: aBlockOrValue
>> "Set the width of the shape"
>> self widthElement: [ :e | aBlockOrValue rtValue: e model ].
>> Is there a quick workaround that I can do while I wait for this to be fixed?
>> --
>> Does this mail seem too brief? Sorry for that, I don’t mean to be rude! Please see http://emailcharter.org .
>> Johan Fabry   -   http://pleiad.cl/~jfabry
>> PLEIAD and RyCh labs  -  Computer Science Department (DCC)  -  University of Chile
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Re: RTAbstractLine>>width: MNU

5677 posts
It is a pity to hear this.
I have just checked, and indeed, it does not work. We will fix this.


> On Aug 3, 2016, at 4:05 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Yes, please. Let's offer a more stable version of Roassal2 by default. Last workshop/hackathon the WordCloud visualization didn't work (but the internals, like calculating words frequencies were right). This is expected from a hackathon and there were no complains from attendees, but providing a sense of stability in important in Pharo/Moose/Roassal.
> Cheers,
> Offray
> On 03/08/16 13:33, Peter Uhnak wrote:
>> Hi,
>> this should be the same issue as in the previous thread.
>> Btw if you don't need the very latest version, you can always check the CI https://ci.inria.fr/moose/job/roassal2/, open the latest green build, open "Console Output" and find whatever Roassal version was loaded there, e.g.
>> Fetched -> Roassal2-PeterUhnak.1394.
>> This is quite annoying, but it just gave me an idea… change #development of ConfigurationOfRoassal so it checks the CI for the latest green build and load just that.
>> Peter
>> On Wed, Aug 03, 2016 at 10:50:24AM -0400, Johan Fabry wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I get an MNU on the following code:  RTLine new width: 2
>>> This is because widthElement: is not implemented. It’s called here:
>>> RTAbstractLine>> width: aBlockOrValue
>>> "Set the width of the shape"
>>> self widthElement: [ :e | aBlockOrValue rtValue: e model ].
>>> Is there a quick workaround that I can do while I wait for this to be fixed?
>>> --
>>> Does this mail seem too brief? Sorry for that, I don’t mean to be rude! Please see http://emailcharter.org .
>>> Johan Fabry   -   http://pleiad.cl/~jfabry
>>> PLEIAD and RyCh labs  -  Computer Science Department (DCC)  -  University of Chile
>>> _______________________________________________
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>>> https://www.list.inf.unibe.ch/listinfo/moose-dev
>> _______________________________________________
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