Random stuff

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Random stuff

Bill Schwab
Andy and Blair,

DocumentationManager and HtmlWriteStream are not present in D5.  I use both
in my documentation system.  May I package the classes with it?

I'm having some kind of problem with Agents.  The first thing I noticed was
that _AgentEvents Agents is gone.  I was using it only as a source of type
information, so I tried (and it _appeared to work) using another
agent-related IDispatch subclass.  However, AXSink>>connect: is complaining;
there's no source, so I'm kinda stuck at the point.  The callstack appears

I think already reported, control-s in the Dolphin options workspaces is
busted, at least until something(???) happens.

The flipper inspector is impressive, but (IMHO) is a little too much for a
default inspector.  Ideally, I'd like to see an obvious way to launch it
from a basic inspector and also have a separate command (Explore???) to
launch it.

As long as I don't save an image with Migrate open (or maybe it's open to
that one card??), I have been able to build an image.  The cash cow won't
run yet, complaining about background colors or something; more to come once
I figure out what's happening.

My toolbar images are suffering.  It's hard to tell what's happening; I can
get the images to display in the VC (in the PAI) but, the images won't
display when I #show the shells.

Have a good one,



4:35:53 PM, Saturday, January 26, 2002: Unhandled exception - a
HRESULTError('HRESULT Error: Unrecognised HRESULT - 16r80040200

AgentHelpSystem class>>explainTheAgentHelpSystem
AgentHelpSystem class>>{unbound}doIt
[] in Command>>value

Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: Random stuff

Bill Schwab
Andy and Blair,

> As long as I don't save an image with Migrate open (or maybe it's open to
> that one card??), I have been able to build an image.  The cash cow won't
> run yet, complaining about background colors or something; more to come
> I figure out what's happening.

The recordkeeper appears to be running; at least it starts, stops, and
tolerates some prodding in between.  The most obvious/severe problem with it
was caused by an STB layout problem.  I subclass RGB and so needed to add a
conversion method.

TimeStamp class>>new now gives the current time; I need to be able to
represent "blank" time stamps, so I added a #null method and started using
it in my D4 image too.

The MouseTracker changes introduced themselves :)   To keep it simple, I
added a #forPresenter:startingAt: method in D4, changed to it there, and
rebuilt the 5.0 image.  So far, that seems to be working.  I was a little
lucky though because I always had at least a view (if not its presenter)
"near by".

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: Random stuff

Blair McGlashan
In reply to this post by Bill Schwab

You wrote in message news:[hidden email]...
> Andy and Blair,
> DocumentationManager and HtmlWriteStream are not present in D5.  I use
> in my documentation system.  May I package the classes with it?

Please do. They were half-implemented during the original Dolphin betas and
never really progressed to a satisfactory state of completeness, so we
thought it better to remove them.

> I'm having some kind of problem with Agents.  The first thing I noticed
> that _AgentEvents Agents is gone.  I was using it only as a source of type
> information, so I tried (and it _appeared to work) using another
> agent-related IDispatch subclass.  However, AXSink>>connect: is
> there's no source, so I'm kinda stuck at the point.  The callstack appears
> below.

True. The event interfaces are no longer generated because I thought they
were serving only to cause confusion, forgetting that they may be useful for
the purpose you mention. Normally this is not an issue, because events are
mostly used with visual controls, and the Active-X host in Dolphin locates
the type info. for the event interface independently. Can you remind me of
the code you are using to wire up the events, and I will rewrite it to
access the source interface type info. another way.

> I think already reported, control-s in the Dolphin options workspaces is
> busted, at least until something(???) happens.

Can you be more specific?

> The flipper inspector is impressive, but (IMHO) is a little too much for a
> default inspector.  Ideally, I'd like to see an obvious way to launch it
> from a basic inspector and also have a separate command (Explore???) to
> launch it.

Well, we don't agree. It is new and may need improvements to usability, etc,
but we think it needs to be ridden with the stabilizers off.

> As long as I don't save an image with Migrate open (or maybe it's open to
> that one card??), I have been able to build an image.  The cash cow won't
> run yet, complaining about background colors or something; more to come
> I figure out what's happening.

I suspect an STB conversion problem (or some such), at least for the former.
I'm sure we'll work it out.

> My toolbar images are suffering.  It's hard to tell what's happening; I
> get the images to display in the VC (in the PAI) but, the images won't
> display when I #show the shells.

Could be the change to the default file locators. A path which is not within
the same directory tree as the reference point is no longer regarded as
being relative. Based on trying things all the different ways over the
years, we decided this was more sensible default behaviour. Having said
that, it seems odd that they work within the development tool, but not
within shells shown from within the development image.



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Re: Random stuff

Bill Schwab-2
Hi Blair,

A partial reply:

> > I think already reported, control-s in the Dolphin options workspaces is
> > busted, at least until something(???) happens.
> Can you be more specific?

I ran into while replacing the flipper with BasicInspector.  Try doing that
via control-s; hopefully that will cause the bug to surface.

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: Random stuff

Blair McGlashan
In reply to this post by Bill Schwab
"Bill Schwab" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
> Andy and Blair,
> ...
> I'm having some kind of problem with Agents.  The first thing I noticed
> that _AgentEvents Agents is gone.  I was using it only as a source of type
> information, so I tried (and it _appeared to work) using another
> agent-related IDispatch subclass.  However, AXSink>>connect: is
> there's no source, so I'm kinda stuck at the point.  The callstack appears
> below....

You should be able to connect up to the events like this (the important
lines are ***'d):

ctl := IAgentCtlEx new.

"Wire up to the events from the control"

coclass := ctl coclassTypeInfoIfNone: [ctl errorNoTypeInfo].

sink := AXEventSink target: self sourceTypeInfo: coclass
defaultSourceInterface.    "***"

sink connect: ctl.

"...What follows is purely for demonstration purposes...."

"Enable tracing so we can see the events being fired on the Transcript"

sink isTracingEnabled: true.

"Do something to cause some events to be fired"

ctl connected: true.

ctl characters load: 'Merlin' loadKey: (File composePath: SessionManager
current windowsDirectory subPath: 'msagent\chars\merlin.acs').

merlin := ctl characters character: 'Merlin'.

merlin activate: 1; show: false; soundEffectsOn: true.

merlin speak: merlin description url: nil.



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Re: Random stuff

Bill Schwab
In reply to this post by Blair McGlashan

> > DocumentationManager and HtmlWriteStream are not present in D5.  I use
> both
> > in my documentation system.  May I package the classes with it?
> Please do. They were half-implemented during the original Dolphin betas
> never really progressed to a satisfactory state of completeness, so we
> thought it better to remove them.

Sounds good.

> > I'm having some kind of problem with Agents.  The first thing I noticed
> was
> > that _AgentEvents Agents is gone.  I was using it only as a source of
> > information, so I tried (and it _appeared to work) using another
> > agent-related IDispatch subclass.  However, AXSink>>connect: is
> complaining;
> > there's no source, so I'm kinda stuck at the point.  The callstack
> > below.
> True. The event interfaces are no longer generated because I thought they
> were serving only to cause confusion, forgetting that they may be useful
> the purpose you mention. Normally this is not an issue, because events are
> mostly used with visual controls, and the Active-X host in Dolphin locates
> the type info. for the event interface independently. Can you remind me of
> the code you are using to wire up the events, and I will rewrite it to
> access the source interface type info. another way.

Is the following what you need?

 "Lazy initializing accessor for the agents control."

 control isNil ifTrue:[
  control := IAgentCtlEx new.
  control connected:true.

  "Wire up to the events from the control - for D5, try a different source
  of type info"
  sink := AXEventSink target:self  sourceTypeInfo:"_AgentEvents" IAgentCtl
  sink connect:control.

  "Enable tracing so we can see the events being fired on the Transcript
  sink isTracingEnabled: true."
   when:#Click:Button:Shift:x:y: sendTo:self;
   when:#DragComplete:Button:Shift:x:y: sendTo:self;
   when:#Hide:Cause: sendTo:self;
   when:#Command: sendTo:self.


> > My toolbar images are suffering.  It's hard to tell what's happening; I
> can
> > get the images to display in the VC (in the PAI) but, the images won't
> > display when I #show the shells.
> Could be the change to the default file locators. A path which is not
> the same directory tree as the reference point is no longer regarded as
> being relative. Based on trying things all the different ways over the
> years, we decided this was more sensible default behaviour. Having said
> that, it seems odd that they work within the development tool, but not
> within shells shown from within the development image.

I agree that the split behavior is weird, but, you might have found it.
I'll have another look.  I made a FileLocator subclass for the Windows
directory, and I could use that to test the theory.

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: Random stuff

Blair McGlashan
In reply to this post by Bill Schwab-2
"Bill Schwab" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
> Hi Blair,
> A partial reply:
> > > I think already reported, control-s in the Dolphin options workspaces
> > > busted, at least until something(???) happens.
> >
> > Can you be more specific?
> I ran into while replacing the flipper with BasicInspector.  Try doing
> via control-s; hopefully that will cause the bug to surface.

Bill, in that case there is an error in the aspect accessor; see
SmalltalkSystemShell class>>defaultInspectorClass where you will see that it
requests the #inspectorClass of the system model, not the
#defaultInspectorClass, and hence any attempt to change it will appear to
have failed.

Any other examples?


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Re: Random stuff

Bill Schwab
In reply to this post by Blair McGlashan

> You should be able to connect up to the events like this (the important
> lines are ***'d):

That worked, in both 4.0 and the beta, IIRC.  I'll double check it in the
next few days, because I really need to rebuild my beta image from packages
saved from 4.0.

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]