RcCounterElement corrupted

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RcCounterElement corrupted

Hi guys, how are you?. I have some troubles in here and i would like to know if you have any idea of what's going on.

I opened Gemtools and i tried to open the "Debug" button and i realized it was taking quite long, so i let this working to see if Gemtools was able to open the debugger. 
After a couple of hours it showed to me this message: "VM temporary object memory is full 
, almost out of memory, too many markSweeps since last successful scavenge", so I decided to clean the ObjectLogEntry using topaz, but i couldn't:

topaz 1> printit
ObjectLogEntry emptyLog
GemStone: Error         Nonfatal
The object with object ID 4851741185 is corrupt. Reason: 'fetch past
Error Category: [GemStone] Number: 2261 Arg Count: 2
Arg 1: 4851741185
Arg 2: fetch past end
topaz 1>

I wanted to do an object audit, but i get the following error:

topaz 1> printit
System hasMissingGcGems
topaz 1> printit
System stopUserSessions
System class
  superClass      Object class
  format          32
  instVars        0
  instVarNames    an Array
  constraints     an Array
  classVars       a SymbolDictionary
  methodDict      a GsMethodDictionary
  poolDictionaries an Array
  categories      a GsMethodDictionary
  secondarySuperclasses nil
  name            System
  classHistory    a ClassHistory
  description     a GsClassDocumentation
  migrationDestination nil
  timeStamp       a DateTime
  userId          SystemUser
  extraDict       a SymbolDictionary
  classCategory   nil
  subclasses      nil

topaz 1> printit
SystemRepository objectAudit
--reclaimAll: changed StnSignalAbortCrBacklog from 3 to 3
GemStone: Error         Nonfatal
Further commits have been disabled for this session because: 'CorruptObj
error'. This session must logout.
Error Category: [GemStone] Number: 2249 Arg Count: 1
Arg 1: CorruptObj error

topaz 1> printit
System _objectForOop: 4851741185                                                %
a RcCounterElement
  value           0

I'll be thankful if anyone can give a tip


Atte. Iván Guevara
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Re: RcCounterElement corrupted

Dale Henrichs

Sounds like you have a very large object log:) To just start over with the object log you can use:

  ObjectLogEntry initialize.

This just nils out the refs to the object log objects. Then things should be snappy again ...

After initializing the object log and after running an MFC and reclaimall it's likely that the bad RcElement will be gc'ed ... and an object audit should run clean...


----- Original Message -----
| From: "Ivan Hugo Guevara" <[hidden email]>
| To: [hidden email]
| Sent: Friday, December 21, 2012 12:18:48 PM
| Subject: [GS/SS Beta]  RcCounterElement corrupted
| Hi guys, how are you?. I have some troubles in here and i would like
| to know if you have any idea of what's going on.
| I opened Gemtools and i tried to open the "Debug" button and i
| realized it was taking quite long, so i let this working to see if
| Gemtools was able to open the debugger.
| After a couple of hours it showed to me this message: "VM temporary
| object memory is full
| , almost out of memory, too many markSweeps since last successful
| scavenge", so I decided to clean the ObjectLogEntry using topaz, but
| i couldn't:
| topaz 1> printit
| ObjectLogEntry emptyLog
| %
| -----------------------------------------------------
| GemStone: Error Nonfatal
| The object with object ID 4851741185 is corrupt. Reason: 'fetch past
| end'
| Error Category: [GemStone] Number: 2261 Arg Count: 2
| Arg 1: 4851741185
| Arg 2: fetch past end
| topaz 1>
| I wanted to do an object audit, but i get the following error:
| topaz 1> printit
| System hasMissingGcGems
| %
| false
| topaz 1> printit
| System stopUserSessions
| %
| System class
| superClass Object class
| format 32
| instVars 0
| instVarNames an Array
| constraints an Array
| classVars a SymbolDictionary
| methodDict a GsMethodDictionary
| poolDictionaries an Array
| categories a GsMethodDictionary
| secondarySuperclasses nil
| name System
| classHistory a ClassHistory
| description a GsClassDocumentation
| migrationDestination nil
| timeStamp a DateTime
| userId SystemUser
| extraDict a SymbolDictionary
| classCategory nil
| subclasses nil
| topaz 1> printit
| SystemRepository objectAudit
| %
| --reclaimAll: changed StnSignalAbortCrBacklog from 3 to 3
| -----------------------------------------------------
| GemStone: Error Nonfatal
| Further commits have been disabled for this session because:
| 'CorruptObj
| error'. This session must logout.
| Error Category: [GemStone] Number: 2249 Arg Count: 1
| Arg 1: CorruptObj error
| topaz 1> printit
| System _objectForOop: 4851741185 %
| a RcCounterElement
| value 0
| I'll be thankful if anyone can give a tip
| Cheers
| --
| Atte. Iván Guevara
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Re: RcCounterElement corrupted

Thank you very much for your answer Dale!. MFC is running, let's see what happens :).


2012/12/21 Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]>

Sounds like you have a very large object log:) To just start over with the object log you can use:

  ObjectLogEntry initialize.

This just nils out the refs to the object log objects. Then things should be snappy again ...

After initializing the object log and after running an MFC and reclaimall it's likely that the bad RcElement will be gc'ed ... and an object audit should run clean...


----- Original Message -----
| From: "Ivan Hugo Guevara" <[hidden email]>
| To: [hidden email]
| Sent: Friday, December 21, 2012 12:18:48 PM
| Subject: [GS/SS Beta]  RcCounterElement corrupted
| Hi guys, how are you?. I have some troubles in here and i would like
| to know if you have any idea of what's going on.
| I opened Gemtools and i tried to open the "Debug" button and i
| realized it was taking quite long, so i let this working to see if
| Gemtools was able to open the debugger.
| After a couple of hours it showed to me this message: "VM temporary
| object memory is full
| , almost out of memory, too many markSweeps since last successful
| scavenge", so I decided to clean the ObjectLogEntry using topaz, but
| i couldn't:
| topaz 1> printit
| ObjectLogEntry emptyLog
| %
| -----------------------------------------------------
| GemStone: Error Nonfatal
| The object with object ID 4851741185 is corrupt. Reason: 'fetch past
| end'
| Error Category: [GemStone] Number: 2261 Arg Count: 2
| Arg 1: 4851741185
| Arg 2: fetch past end
| topaz 1>
| I wanted to do an object audit, but i get the following error:
| topaz 1> printit
| System hasMissingGcGems
| %
| false
| topaz 1> printit
| System stopUserSessions
| %
| System class
| superClass Object class
| format 32
| instVars 0
| instVarNames an Array
| constraints an Array
| classVars a SymbolDictionary
| methodDict a GsMethodDictionary
| poolDictionaries an Array
| categories a GsMethodDictionary
| secondarySuperclasses nil
| name System
| classHistory a ClassHistory
| description a GsClassDocumentation
| migrationDestination nil
| timeStamp a DateTime
| userId SystemUser
| extraDict a SymbolDictionary
| classCategory nil
| subclasses nil
| topaz 1> printit
| SystemRepository objectAudit
| %
| --reclaimAll: changed StnSignalAbortCrBacklog from 3 to 3
| -----------------------------------------------------
| GemStone: Error Nonfatal
| Further commits have been disabled for this session because:
| 'CorruptObj
| error'. This session must logout.
| Error Category: [GemStone] Number: 2249 Arg Count: 1
| Arg 1: CorruptObj error
| topaz 1> printit
| System _objectForOop: 4851741185 %
| a RcCounterElement
| value 0
| I'll be thankful if anyone can give a tip
| Cheers
| --
| Atte. Iván Guevara

Atte. Iván Guevara
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Re: RcCounterElement corrupted

Dale Henrichs

I just noticed that the "initialize" message for ObjectLogEntry is misspelled and easily misread... here's the correct initialize expression:

  ObjectLogEntry initalize

I'll need to fix this one of these days:(


----- Original Message -----
| From: "Ivan Hugo Guevara" <[hidden email]>
| To: "GemStone Seaside beta discussion" <[hidden email]>
| Sent: Friday, December 21, 2012 1:01:19 PM
| Subject: Re: [GS/SS Beta] RcCounterElement corrupted
| Thank you very much for your answer Dale!. MFC is running, let's see
| what happens :).
| Cheers
| 2012/12/21 Dale Henrichs < [hidden email] >
| Ivan
| Sounds like you have a very large object log:) To just start over
| with the object log you can use:
| ObjectLogEntry initialize.
| This just nils out the refs to the object log objects. Then things
| should be snappy again ...
| After initializing the object log and after running an MFC and
| reclaimall it's likely that the bad RcElement will be gc'ed ... and
| an object audit should run clean...
| Dale
| ----- Original Message -----
| | From: "Ivan Hugo Guevara" < [hidden email] >
| | To: [hidden email]
| | Sent: Friday, December 21, 2012 12:18:48 PM
| | Subject: [GS/SS Beta] RcCounterElement corrupted
| |
| |
| |
| | Hi guys, how are you?. I have some troubles in here and i would
| | like
| | to know if you have any idea of what's going on.
| |
| |
| | I opened Gemtools and i tried to open the "Debug" button and i
| | realized it was taking quite long, so i let this working to see if
| | Gemtools was able to open the debugger.
| | After a couple of hours it showed to me this message: "VM temporary
| | object memory is full
| | , almost out of memory, too many markSweeps since last successful
| | scavenge", so I decided to clean the ObjectLogEntry using topaz,
| | but
| | i couldn't:
| |
| |
| | topaz 1> printit
| | ObjectLogEntry emptyLog
| | %
| | -----------------------------------------------------
| | GemStone: Error Nonfatal
| | The object with object ID 4851741185 is corrupt. Reason: 'fetch
| | past
| | end'
| | Error Category: [GemStone] Number: 2261 Arg Count: 2
| | Arg 1: 4851741185
| | Arg 2: fetch past end
| | topaz 1>
| |
| |
| | I wanted to do an object audit, but i get the following error:
| |
| |
| | topaz 1> printit
| | System hasMissingGcGems
| | %
| | false
| | topaz 1> printit
| | System stopUserSessions
| | %
| | System class
| | superClass Object class
| | format 32
| | instVars 0
| | instVarNames an Array
| | constraints an Array
| | classVars a SymbolDictionary
| | methodDict a GsMethodDictionary
| | poolDictionaries an Array
| | categories a GsMethodDictionary
| | secondarySuperclasses nil
| | name System
| | classHistory a ClassHistory
| | description a GsClassDocumentation
| | migrationDestination nil
| | timeStamp a DateTime
| | userId SystemUser
| | extraDict a SymbolDictionary
| | classCategory nil
| | subclasses nil
| |
| |
| | topaz 1> printit
| | SystemRepository objectAudit
| | %
| | --reclaimAll: changed StnSignalAbortCrBacklog from 3 to 3
| | -----------------------------------------------------
| | GemStone: Error Nonfatal
| | Further commits have been disabled for this session because:
| | 'CorruptObj
| | error'. This session must logout.
| | Error Category: [GemStone] Number: 2249 Arg Count: 1
| | Arg 1: CorruptObj error
| |
| |
| | topaz 1> printit
| | System _objectForOop: 4851741185 %
| | a RcCounterElement
| | value 0
| |
| |
| | I'll be thankful if anyone can give a tip
| |
| |
| | Cheers
| |
| | --
| | Atte. Iván Guevara
| |
| --
| Atte. Iván Guevara
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Re: RcCounterElement corrupted

Oh!, i didn't realize that!. Thanks for letting me know!.


Atte. Iván Guevara
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Re: RcCounterElement corrupted


I was following these steps, but when i try to make a MFC i get the following error:

topaz 1> printit
ObjectLogEntry initalize
ObjectLogEntry class
  superClass      Object class
  format          0
  instVars        6
  instVarNames    an Array
  constraints     an Array
  classVars       a SymbolDictionary
  methodDict      a GsMethodDictionary
  poolDictionaries an Array
  categories      a GsMethodDictionary
  secondarySuperclasses nil
  name            ObjectLogEntry
  classHistory    a ClassHistory
  description     nil
  migrationDestination nil
  timeStamp       a DateTime
  userId          DataCurator
  extraDict       a SymbolDictionary
  classCategory   Bootstrap-Gemstone
  subclasses      nil

topaz 1> printit
SystemRepository markForCollection
GemStone: Error         Nonfatal
An attempt to execute a method that requires an abort or prevents
further commits would result in lost data.
Error Category: [GemStone] Number: 2412 Arg Count: 1
Arg 1: a Repository
  name            SystemRepository
  dataDictionary  nil
  #1 a Segment
  #2 a Segment
  #3 a Segment
  #4 a Segment
  #5 a Segment
  #6 a Segment
  #7 a Segment
  #8 a Segment

I managed somehow to fix this problem in my production VM, but i keep getting the same error in my development VM. Any idea?. 
I'll keep trying, of course, and i'll let know.


2012/12/25 Ivan Hugo Guevara <[hidden email]>
Oh!, i didn't realize that!. Thanks for letting me know!.


Atte. Iván Guevara

Atte. Iván Guevara
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Re: RcCounterElement corrupted

Well, it seems to be working now :). Thanks for all Dale.


2012/12/26 Ivan Hugo Guevara <[hidden email]>

I was following these steps, but when i try to make a MFC i get the following error:

topaz 1> printit
ObjectLogEntry initalize
ObjectLogEntry class
  superClass      Object class
  format          0
  instVars        6
  instVarNames    an Array
  constraints     an Array
  classVars       a SymbolDictionary
  methodDict      a GsMethodDictionary
  poolDictionaries an Array
  categories      a GsMethodDictionary
  secondarySuperclasses nil
  name            ObjectLogEntry
  classHistory    a ClassHistory
  description     nil
  migrationDestination nil
  timeStamp       a DateTime
  userId          DataCurator
  extraDict       a SymbolDictionary
  classCategory   Bootstrap-Gemstone
  subclasses      nil

topaz 1> printit
SystemRepository markForCollection
GemStone: Error         Nonfatal
An attempt to execute a method that requires an abort or prevents
further commits would result in lost data.
Error Category: [GemStone] Number: 2412 Arg Count: 1
Arg 1: a Repository
  name            SystemRepository
  dataDictionary  nil
  #1 a Segment
  #2 a Segment
  #3 a Segment
  #4 a Segment
  #5 a Segment
  #6 a Segment
  #7 a Segment
  #8 a Segment

I managed somehow to fix this problem in my production VM, but i keep getting the same error in my development VM. Any idea?. 
I'll keep trying, of course, and i'll let know.


2012/12/25 Ivan Hugo Guevara <[hidden email]>
Oh!, i didn't realize that!. Thanks for letting me know!.


Atte. Iván Guevara

Atte. Iván Guevara

Atte. Iván Guevara
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Re: RcCounterElement corrupted

Dale Henrichs
In reply to this post by Aivan

After running the

  ObjectLogEntry initalize

you need to do a commit ... then do the mfc. The MFC only collects persistent garbage, so you need to do the commit to make the ObjectLogEntry permanent...


----- Original Message -----
| From: "Ivan Hugo Guevara" <[hidden email]>
| To: "GemStone Seaside beta discussion" <[hidden email]>
| Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 10:48:12 AM
| Subject: Re: [GS/SS Beta] RcCounterElement corrupted
| Dale
| I was following these steps, but when i try to make a MFC i get the
| following error:
| topaz 1> printit
| ObjectLogEntry initalize
| %
| ObjectLogEntry class
| superClass Object class
| format 0
| instVars 6
| instVarNames an Array
| constraints an Array
| classVars a SymbolDictionary
| methodDict a GsMethodDictionary
| poolDictionaries an Array
| categories a GsMethodDictionary
| secondarySuperclasses nil
| name ObjectLogEntry
| classHistory a ClassHistory
| description nil
| migrationDestination nil
| timeStamp a DateTime
| userId DataCurator
| extraDict a SymbolDictionary
| classCategory Bootstrap-Gemstone
| subclasses nil
| topaz 1> printit
| SystemRepository markForCollection
| %
| -----------------------------------------------------
| GemStone: Error Nonfatal
| An attempt to execute a method that requires an abort or prevents
| further commits would result in lost data.
| Error Category: [GemStone] Number: 2412 Arg Count: 1
| Arg 1: a Repository
| name SystemRepository
| dataDictionary nil
| #1 a Segment
| #2 a Segment
| #3 a Segment
| #4 a Segment
| #5 a Segment
| #6 a Segment
| #7 a Segment
| #8 a Segment
| I managed somehow to fix this problem in my production VM, but i keep
| getting the same error in my development VM. Any idea?.
| I'll keep trying, of course, and i'll let know.
| Cheers
| 2012/12/25 Ivan Hugo Guevara < [hidden email] >
| Oh!, i didn't realize that!. Thanks for letting me know!.
| Cheers
| --
| Atte. Iván Guevara
| --
| Atte. Iván Guevara
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Re: RcCounterElement corrupted

Ohhh i see... I'll keep that in mind next time it happens :).


2012/12/27 Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]>

After running the

  ObjectLogEntry initalize

you need to do a commit ... then do the mfc. The MFC only collects persistent garbage, so you need to do the commit to make the ObjectLogEntry permanent...


----- Original Message -----
| From: "Ivan Hugo Guevara" <[hidden email]>
| To: "GemStone Seaside beta discussion" <[hidden email]>
| Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 10:48:12 AM
| Subject: Re: [GS/SS Beta] RcCounterElement corrupted
| Dale
| I was following these steps, but when i try to make a MFC i get the
| following error:
| topaz 1> printit
| ObjectLogEntry initalize
| %
| ObjectLogEntry class
| superClass Object class
| format 0
| instVars 6
| instVarNames an Array
| constraints an Array
| classVars a SymbolDictionary
| methodDict a GsMethodDictionary
| poolDictionaries an Array
| categories a GsMethodDictionary
| secondarySuperclasses nil
| name ObjectLogEntry
| classHistory a ClassHistory
| description nil
| migrationDestination nil
| timeStamp a DateTime
| userId DataCurator
| extraDict a SymbolDictionary
| classCategory Bootstrap-Gemstone
| subclasses nil
| topaz 1> printit
| SystemRepository markForCollection
| %
| -----------------------------------------------------
| GemStone: Error Nonfatal
| An attempt to execute a method that requires an abort or prevents
| further commits would result in lost data.
| Error Category: [GemStone] Number: 2412 Arg Count: 1
| Arg 1: a Repository
| name SystemRepository
| dataDictionary nil
| #1 a Segment
| #2 a Segment
| #3 a Segment
| #4 a Segment
| #5 a Segment
| #6 a Segment
| #7 a Segment
| #8 a Segment
| I managed somehow to fix this problem in my production VM, but i keep
| getting the same error in my development VM. Any idea?.
| I'll keep trying, of course, and i'll let know.
| Cheers
| 2012/12/25 Ivan Hugo Guevara < [hidden email] >
| Oh!, i didn't realize that!. Thanks for letting me know!.
| Cheers
| --
| Atte. Iván Guevara
| --
| Atte. Iván Guevara

Atte. Iván Guevara