I would really like to have a Pharo client for unQLite
I have places that would use it :)
> On Feb 14, 2015, at 6:30 AM, Stephan Eggermont <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> If I use the file from
https://github.com/mumez/PunQLite/tree/master/binary/mac> at least the library is found. The db file is not created though resulting in a PqCursorError
> in keys
> db := PqDatabase open: 'test.db'.
> db at: 'Smalltalk' put: 'COOL'.
> db at: 'Pharo' put: 'HOT'.
> db at: 'Smalltalk' ifPresent: [:data | data asString inspect ].
> Transcript cr;
> show: db keys.