On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 2:30 PM, Nicolas Petton
<[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Mariano,
Hi Nicolas. Please, let me answer in the mailing list so that other can benefit also.
I was wondering what can SqueakDBX do.
How stable/scalable is it? Is
SqueakDBX itself is really stable. It is being used in several production apps without problems. The only tricky (depending on the OS and database) is to install OpenDBX + client libraries. But once it is working, is really stable.
there an ORM on top of it?
Yes, it is called GlorpDBX, which is a modified version of the Glorp port to squeak (which was all hardcoded to the postgresql native driver).
That version is a little old and we only make it work for PostgreSQL, Oracle, MySQL and MSSQL.
However, ESUG has sponsored again. The project is being renamed to DBXTalk and the team (the students) are working in two important things:
1) new port (with the latest code) from Glorp of VW to pharo. And try to automatize the process for the future.
2) new mapping tool on top of squeakDBX but much simpler than Glorp. Something like ActiveRecord or SandstoneDB. The main idea for now is to use Magritte for describing the mappings.
These two things are just starting.....so you will have to wait ;)