Re: About some stuff to know if I launch new project to build Graphical User Interface for a database...

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Re: About some stuff to know if I launch new project to build Graphical User Interface for a database...

Stéphane Ducasse
Hello patrick

I'm testing pharo and I would like to know about some things I can't yet really get with documentation :

1. I was asking myself about delivries for (no pharo) end users. I don't want end user use pharo launcher and look at image to load it. I saw article about to build standalone executable but it was for website into a serveur. What about standalone application with graphical interface ?

Yes the PharoLauncher is the typical example of this. 
You can also run pharo without ui or customize i

2. What differences between each smalltalk implementations ? What about Gnu Smalltalk, Smalltalk/X, VisualWork or Pharo ? Do you know a functionnal benchmark web page ?

No because you compare apples with oranges. 
VIsualWorks is proprietary 
Smalltalk/X is not supported nor open source
GnuSmalltalk (check the activity)

3. What about standard about pharo language and libraries ?

I do not get your question. 
If you want to have answers to people deploying pro applications with Pharo you can ask on the discord
channel (databases, general, seaside for example). 

It look pretty difficult to get ride with smalltalk libraries…

I do not understand what you means. You can try in french since we understand it well too :)

What do you recomand to know about libaries and tools to build a graphical application with embeded  database application (Like firebird or EasySQL or PostGresql) ?

We do not have an easy builder.
For graphical applications you can use Spec1 (we are about to release Spec2) we are slowly rewriting the book 
for spec20. Here is a small tutorial

Do I need an Object Mapping Framework ?

Not necessarily
You have Restore
Glorp (check the book, you may have to load the code from github instead of smalltalkhub). 
Both are open-source
You have P3 as a great support for database. 
But the best you can do is to ask in the database channel on

Do you know one open source ?

You have also document oriented DB support (check the booklet on Voyage) on

4. What about database reporting (with subreports) framework/library ?

I do not know

5. What about smart forms with Database ?

6. I'm programming into Linux Mint 9.3. Can I build delivry for Windows from Linux Mint ?

Sure we deliver from any platforms to any other one. 

Do I need to export/import my project into Windows in order to build Windows delivry ?

Is'it possible to launch an executable from USB without no install ?

Yes this is the way I was used to give lecture. Bring the VM and the image on a stick and students just copy it. 

7. I would like to use events to program Graphical User Interfaces as database frontend.

I could not really understand events. We have announcements and the graphical libraries can register callbacks
and notification. But this is the job of the libraries to decide how to do it and as developers we follow.

Do you know avanced book to explain semaphores,

Check the booklet on concurrent programming

graphicals framework for cross delivries (Linux / Windows) ? Spec book but with Spec2 you will be able to use GTK as backends

Thank you in advance for your responses.

Do not hesitate to ask. 
You can also chat with us (even if a part of the crew in Lille will be on vacation soon)
My little advice is the following: Pharo is really powerful but it can feel strange.
It is not perfect but we are working daily on it to improve it. 
And Pharo is not a product so it means that you can also enhance it, modify it to fit your need.

M Patrick GELIN
78 rue du Truchay

Stéphane Ducasse
03 59 35 87 52
Assistant: Aurore Dalle 
FAX 03 59 57 78 50
TEL 03 59 35 86 16
S. Ducasse - Inria
40, avenue Halley, 
Parc Scientifique de la Haute Borne, Bât.A, Park Plaza
Villeneuve d'Ascq 59650