Re: According to Lukas Renggli the following pattern is used to 'say it smalltalk' for jQuery

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Re: According to Lukas Renggli the following pattern is used to 'say it smalltalk' for jQuery

T. Edwin King
>Message: 3
>Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2011 02:58:23 +0000 (UTC)
>From: Fritz Schenk <[hidden email]>
>Subject: [Seaside] Re: According to Lukas Renggli the following
>    pattern    is    used to 'say it smalltalk' for jQuery
>To: [hidden email]
>Message-ID: <[hidden email]>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>Revisiting the posts I realize that upon reading
>20/jquery/enhanced-todo-application/callbacks-redux, there no Ajax
>example given.
>The Fig 146 does not include 'html jQuery ajax'.
>What about making an example of the counter component with Ajax used to
>the new value. And the proof of the pudding would be mulicounter using
>the same
>ajaxified counter.

The "Enhanced ToDo Application" is still a work in progress and that is my
fault, not Lukas' or anyone else's - my professional life keeps
interfering with my Smalltalk/Seaside interests.

That being said, the code snippets on 'callback-redux' do include the use
of jQuery Ajax.  

When I last was working on the section (November) I was having trouble
replicating the in-place editing from Scriptaculous with jQuery, and I
that was the last hold-up with completing the section.

Todd Edwin King

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Re: According to Lukas Renggli the following pattern is used to 'say it smalltalk' for jQuery

Intrader Intrader
I appreciate your answer and know that that professional life interferes with
this work. I find Dynamic Web Development with Seaside quite educational.

The syntax 'html jQuery ajax' is used in Callbacks Redux for the simple
toggling of helpId.

To my meager understanding, ajax is used in the syntax
'((html jQuery id: listId) load).

The 'html jQuery ajax' syntax is missing from the diagram of Fig 146.

Thanks again for your work and contribution.

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