However, you might consider uploading files to some web space and just
posting a link in future.
Is this sort of work-in-process suitable for Dolphinharbor?
It's really good when somebody starts contributing - at any level. The
fact that you are doing so, and in such a "professional" way, after such
a short time is really impressive.
Thank you. The professionalism of the forum does certainly encourage a
higher standard.
Some might say I should still be shuddering now (nearly 20 years later!)
Hardly :).
Chris is so much better at looking at code in an analytical way...
He has, indeed, been an excellent steward...as have you.
By Thursday, I should be posting Beta, Second Iteration.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ian Bartholomew [mailto:
[hidden email]]
> Posted At: Monday, June 19, 2006 11:01 AM
> Posted To: comp.lang.smalltalk.dolphin
> Conversation: ActiveTreeModel (Beta)
> Subject: Re: ActiveTreeModel (Beta)
> Eric,
> > Thank you for the correction. This is my first distribution, so I
> > figured there would be _some_ problems. This evening I will review
> > post further and see if I can create the package more cleanly.
> You did nothing wrong, it was just the extra formatting imposed by the
> email
> program that disrupted the meaning of the file. If anything it might
> point
> at a slight weakness in Dolphin itself, but that is quite harsh as
well -
> why should Dolphin have to take account of external alterations to the
> file.
> However, you might consider uploading files to some web space and just
> posting a link in future. This has the advantage of avoiding any
> with formatting and, especially if (hopefully when) you start posting
> larger
> packages, allows people with slower connections to avoid downloading
> something they may not want.
> > Well, I took some lumps from Chris, but all in good spirit. It
> > like I have some work to do. Sorry if I disappoint.
> Not in the slightest. It's really good when somebody starts
> -
> at any level. The fact that you are doing so, and in such a
> "professional"
> way, after such a short time is really impressive. I shudder to think
> the sort of thing I would have been posting a a few weeks after I
> learning Smalltalk. Some might say I should still be shuddering now
> (nearly
> 20 years later!) :-)
> > I would most interested in your opinions as well.
> Chris is so much better at looking at code in an analytical way that I
> in fact he's better than nearly everyone, so I doubt if there's a lot
> can
> add. I will have a look when I get a chance.
> --
> Ian
> Use the Reply-To address to contact me (limited validity).
> Mail sent to the From address is ignored.