Re: Cairo animations on OSX

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Re: Cairo animations on OSX

Maarten Mostert

Well this is really amazing, I loaded the latest Cairo in a plain 7.7.1 image I loaded my Application and it worked without exploding  the VM !!!!!


The is also true for Akamura.


This is real progress !!  Travis and Michael if you where girls I would kiss you on the mouth !





-----Original Message-----
From: "Travis Griggs" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Tuesday, 9 August, 2011 22:17
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: Cairo animations on OSX

On Aug 4, 2011, at 10:38 AM, Travis Griggs wrote:

> On Aug 3, 2011, at 6:54 PM, Travis Griggs wrote:
>> Win 7 (inside VMWare on OSX Lion) + Cairo library 1.10.2 + vwdev st11a jul11.5 + Akamaru package 6 + CairoGraphics package 7.9 -1
>> + It doesn't display much. Usually not at all. Definitely not the animation. As I flip back and forth, sometimes, I see one update of the Cairo rendered version. I'm not seeing any heap growth, but then, I'm not sure it's drawing much each either. I'm really not sure what's up here.
>> So my goal, is to first get Windows working again. Not sure how long ago that quit working or what's up. I'll probably find a 32bit Linux I can use as well to test with. Once I get one of those working, I can see if we have heap leakage on other platforms. If we do, then there's something wrong with the library binding (the CairoGraphics package), such that things aren't being told to release. If it's NOT leaking on other platforms, then I'll be pinging the Cairo mailing list to see if there's any suspicion there about that version. And then go from there.
> I have Win7 displaying again. Kind of. There's a new version of Akamaru published. The top level displayOn: method of the CairoVisualation was doing something it really really shouldn't. It was sending #cairoContext to probe to see if the libraries were there. I probably should just deprecate that method and force people to use newCairoContextWhile:. It just puts too much strain on the finalizer. Anyway, it now shows up. It's kind of jerky. But when I hold shift down to see the profiling numbers, it shows nearly the same times as the non-cairo variant. So I'm not sure why it's jerkier. I *think* there's a bit of heap leakage on this version too. But not near as much as OSX. I'm installing two different Linux variants right now to play there and see how that platform holds up.

Hi Maarten, I think the OSX version is fixed now. I can run Akamaru with no leakage. I've published a version 7.9 - 2 of CairoGraphics to the public repository. It's a simple one method change. One could probably do a merge between it and the latest 7.8 version if the dev builds aren't really an option for you.

I'm off to play with Windows now and see what the issue is there.

Credit, btw, for the fix, goes mostly to Michael Lucas-Smith.

Travis Griggs
Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication -- Leonardo da Vinci


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