Re: Copy/past doesn't work sometimes in Chrome semifixed

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Re: Copy/past doesn't work sometimes in Chrome semifixed

Peter Uhnak
I think I found a solution.

But first the problem, which preferably would be fixed in the Pharo VM but I have no idea how to contribute there or if this is actually correct/wrong:
After a lot of debugging and trying to figure out why paste from Google Chrome(ium) isn't working in Linux I found out that the default encoding isn't unicode.

According to this the default should be UTF-8
platforms/unix/vm/sqUnixMain.c:1493  printf("  --textenc <enc>        set encoding for external text (default: UTF-8)\n");

however by default it is set to 0
platforms/unix/vm/sqUnixMain.c:127        int    textEncodingUTF8= 0;    /* 1 if copy from external selection uses UTF8 */

and only set to 1 if it is explicitly provided (--textenc UTF-8)
platforms/unix/vm/sqUnixMain.c:1452     else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "--textenc"))
      char *buf= (char *)malloc(strlen(argv[1]) + 1);
      int len, i;
      strcpy(buf, argv[1]);
      len= strlen(buf);
      for (i= 0;  i < len;  ++i)
        buf[i]= toupper(buf[i]);
      if ((!strcmp(buf, "UTF8")) || (!strcmp(buf, "UTF-8")))
        textEncodingUTF8= 1;
        setEncoding(&uxTextEncoding, buf);
      return 2;


So the (temporary) fix is quite simple: specify the --textenc encoding when launching Pharo. :)


On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 12:38 PM, Julien Delplanque <[hidden email]> wrote:
Ok, so I'll have to get used to it or switch to another web browser
while using pharo.

Thanks for your answers.

On 31/07/14 10:44, Peter Uhnák wrote:
> It seems that the Chromium issue is most likely a result of them switching
> from GTK to Aura, since it broke in version 35 (when Aura was introduced).
> So unless someone wants to dive into Pharo VM or Chromium then there is
> really no simple solution.
> On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 9:10 PM, Peter Uhnák <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Today I found out that if I have running xclipboard in the background
>> pasting works properly even from Chromium. The problem is that it's a GUI
>> app and will store everything that I've copied unless manually deleted. But
>> you can give it a shot. Haven't really tested how it deals with non-text
>> content (images).
>> Also I tried to dig a little bit into how it is handled inside Pharo, but
>> it is somewhere deep in VM. :(
>> However middle-click pasting doesn't work but that seem to be simply a
>> limitation of Pharo (My guess is because it is only supported by Linux and
>> not Windows/Mac?).
>> On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 9:42 PM, Julien Delplanque <[hidden email]>
>> wrote:
>>> I also notice the problem when I copy something from my terminal
>>> ("drop-down terminal" or "terminator" on Gnome3) to pharo IDE.
>>> Very annoying to copy text from Chromium to Sublime text and then recopy
>>> it from Sublime text to Pharo IDE even if (sadly) it became a habit...
>>> On 29/07/14 20:10, Peter Uhnák wrote:
>>>> I have the same problem on Debian, on both Pharo 3 and 4.
>>>> I think that Chromium is doing something weird when copying to
>>> clipboard,
>>>> because every other program I've tried works just fine.
>>>> As a workaround I've installed clipboard manager and I copy from there
>>> (or
>>>> paste and re-copy in some other text editor currently opened).
>>>> Linux has multiple clipboards (at least one when copying text and one
>>> for
>>>> currently selected text), so maybe Chromium uses the wrong one, or
>>> Pharo is
>>>> checking only one?
>>>> Peter
>>>> On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 5:06 PM, Julien Delplanque <[hidden email]>
>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I'm using pharo 3.9-7 and I notice that sometimes the copy/past
>>> function
>>>>> from another program to the pharo IDE doesn't work.
>>>>> For example, if I copy something from my internet browser (Chromium) to
>>>>> a workspace in the IDE it doesn't work.
>>>>> I also notice that if I copy something from my text editor (Sublime
>>>>> text) to a workspace it works...
>>>>> ArchLinux version:
>>>>> Linux msi 3.15.5-2-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Jul 11 07:56:02 CEST 2014
>>>>> x86_64 GNU/Linux
>>>>> My Pharo VM version:
>>>>> 3.9-7 #1 Thu May 15 18:29:30 CEST 2014 gcc 4.6.3 [Production ITHB VM]
>>>>> NBCoInterpreter NativeBoost-CogPlugin-GuillermoPolito.19 uuid:
>>>>> acc98e51-2fba-4841-a965-2975997bba66 May 15 2014
>>>>> NBCogit NativeBoost-CogPlugin-GuillermoPolito.19 uuid:
>>>>> acc98e51-2fba-4841-a965-2975997bba66 May 15 2014
>>>>> Commit:
>>>>> ed4a4f59208968a21d82fd2406f75c2c4de558b2 Date: 2014-05-15 18:23:04
>>> +0200
>>>>> By: Esteban Lorenzano <[hidden email]> Jenkins build #14826
>>>>> Linux pharo-linux 3.2.0-31-generic-pae #50-Ubuntu SMP Fri Sep 7
>>> 16:39:45
>>>>> UTC 2012 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
>>>>> Thank you in advance for your responses!
>>>>> Julien