Re: Error Stoping stone - Will not restart

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Re: Error Stoping stone - Will not restart

GLASS mailing list

On 30 Aug2017, at 11:24 AM, Reg Krock <[hidden email]> wrote:


I had backed up the stone using the backup command in tODE.
Also, all of the clients were logged out. However there had been times when the tODE client hung and I had to force a disconnect.

On the shutdown there was an error. The startup also failed.

Where should I look for answers to this problem?

rk:~ regkrock$ stopStone devkit_33
   GsDevKit script: stopStone devkit_33
              path: /Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/bin/stopStone

Error running shell command: '/Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/server/bin/gs/stopGemstone'
with args:
STDOUT: '--- 30/08/2017 11:16:52.370 EDT ---
stopstone[Info]: GemStone version ''3.3.5''
stopstone[Info]: initiating ''devkit_33'' shutdown...
--- 30/08/2017 11:16:54.384 EDT Login
[Info]: libssl-3.3.5-64.dylib: loaded
--- 30/08/2017 11:16:54.666 EDT ---
stopstone[Info]: Waiting forever for all other processes to detach the shared page cache.
--- 30/08/2017 11:17:05.087 EDT ---
stopstone[Info]: Still waiting for 4 processes to detach the shared page cache.
--- 30/08/2017 11:17:15.455 EDT ---
stopstone[Info]: Still waiting for 4 processes to detach the shared page cache.
STDERR: =================
   GsDevKit script: stopGemstone 
              path: /Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/server/bin/gs/stopGemstone
GemStone signal handler: signal 15 (SIGTERM), received from process 68638 userId 501
  si_code: 0 at 1504106247, unknown SI_
Error on or near line 22 :: stopGemstone  :: stopGemstone 
Error: Shell command: '/Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/server/bin/gs/stopGemstone' failed.
GsDevKitStopstoneCommandLineHandler class(Object)>>error:
GsDevKitStopstoneCommandLineHandler class(GsDevKitAbstractCommandLineHandler class)>>runShellCommand:args:noError:
GsDevKitStopstoneCommandLineHandler class(CommandLineHandler class)>>activateWith:
PharoCommandLineHandler(BasicCommandLineHandler)>>activateSubCommand: in Block: [ aCommandLinehandler activateWith: commandLine ]
PharoCommandLineHandler(BasicCommandLineHandler)>>activate in Block: [ self handleArgument: (self arguments ifEmpty: [ ...etc...
PharoCommandLineHandler class(CommandLineHandler class)>>activateWith:
PharoCommandLineHandler class>>activateWith: in Block: [ super activateWith: aCommandLine ]
MorphicUIManager>>spawnNewProcess in Block: [ ...
BlockClosure>>newProcess in Block: [ ...
Error on or near line 99 :: devKitCommandLine stopstone devkit_33 :: devKitCommandLine stopstone devkit_33
Error on or near line 62 :: stopStone devkit_33 :: stopStone devkit_33
rk:~ regkrock$ stopNetldi devkit_33
   GsDevKit script: stopNetldi devkit_33
              path: /Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/bin/stopNetldi

stopnetldi[Info]: GemStone version '3.3.5'
stopnetldi[Info]: GemStone server 'devKit_33_ldi' has been stopped.

...finished :: stopNetldi devkit_33
rk:~ regkrock$ startStone devkit_33
   GsDevKit script: startStone devkit_33
              path: /Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/bin/startStone
|             GemStone/S64 Object-Oriented Data Management System             |
|                   Copyright (C) GemTalk Systems 1986-2017                   |
|                            All rights reserved.                             |
|    PROGRAM: WAITSTONE, GemStone Remote Process Utility                      |
|    VERSION: 3.3.5, Thu May  4 11:35:24 2017                                 |
|      BUILD: gss64_3_3_x_branch-41643                                        |
|  BUILT FOR: Darwin (Mac)                                                    |
|       MODE: 64 bit                                                          |
| RUNNING ON: 8-CPU rk.home x86_64 (Darwin 16.6.0 ) 2600MHz MacBookPro10,1 2048MB
| PROCESS ID: 68688     DATE: 30/08/2017 11:18:18 EDT                         |
|   USER IDS: REAL=regkrock (501) EFFECTIVE=regkrock (501) LOGIN=regkrock (501)
| DATEFORMAT: %d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S %Z                                            |
|   GEMSTONE_NRS_ALL = #dir:$GEMSTONE_LOGDIR#log:%N%P.log                     |
waitstone[Error]: Network service !#dir:/Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/server/stones/devkit_33/logs#log:%N%P.log#server!devkit_33 was not found.
Network lookup failure; could not find server 'devkit_33' on host 'rk.home' because file not found: /opt/gemstone/locks/devkit_33..LCK;  service devkit_33 not found ; NetLDI service 'gs64ldi' not found on node 'localhost6' port 50377 :
connect(7,::ffff:,port=50377) failed with errno=22,EINVAL, Invalid argument (programmer error)

Error running shell command: '/Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/server/bin/gs/startGemstone'
with args:
STDOUT: 'Starting stone: devkit_33
--- 30/08/2017 11:18:19.449 EDT ---
stopstone[Info]: GemStone version ''3.3.5''
stopstone[Info]: Server ''devkit_33'' is not running.
startstone[Info]: GemStone version ''3.3.5''
startstone[Info]: Starting Stone repository monitor devkit_33.
startstone[Info]: GEMSTONE is: ''/Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/server/stones/devkit_33/product''.
startstone[Info]: GEMSTONE_NRS_ALL is: ''#dir:$GEMSTONE_LOGDIR#log:%N%P.log''.
startstone[Info]:  Ignoring  GEMSTONE_NRS_ALL for stone
startstone[Info]: Log file is ''/Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/server/stones/devkit_33/logs/devkit_33.log''.
    Now starting GemStone monitor.

|     SESSION CONFIGURATION: The maximum number of concurrent sessions is 10. |

    Attaching the Shared Cache using Stone name: devkit_33
    Started free frame page server, processId 68710
    Successfully started free frame page server with 1 threads.

    A Stone is already attached to this shared cache monitor. 
    Check for another Stone with the same name running on this host.

    Terminating stone.
STDERR: =================
   GsDevKit script: startGemstone 
              path: /Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/server/bin/gs/startGemstone
   GsDevKit script: stopGemstone 
              path: /Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/server/bin/gs/stopGemstone

startstone[Error]: Stone process (id=68709) has died.
startstone[Error]: Examine '/Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/server/stones/devkit_33/logs/devkit_33.log' for more information.  Excerpt follows:
Error on or near line 22 :: startGemstone  :: startGemstone 
Error: Shell command: '/Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/server/bin/gs/startGemstone' failed.
GsDevKitStartstoneCommandLineHandler class(Object)>>error:
GsDevKitStartstoneCommandLineHandler class(GsDevKitAbstractCommandLineHandler class)>>runShellCommand:args:noError:
GsDevKitStartstoneCommandLineHandler class(CommandLineHandler class)>>activateWith:
PharoCommandLineHandler(BasicCommandLineHandler)>>activateSubCommand: in Block: [ aCommandLinehandler activateWith: commandLine ]
PharoCommandLineHandler(BasicCommandLineHandler)>>activate in Block: [ self handleArgument: (self arguments ifEmpty: [ ...etc...
PharoCommandLineHandler class(CommandLineHandler class)>>activateWith:
PharoCommandLineHandler class>>activateWith: in Block: [ super activateWith: aCommandLine ]
MorphicUIManager>>spawnNewProcess in Block: [ ...
BlockClosure>>newProcess in Block: [ ...
Error on or near line 99 :: devKitCommandLine startstone devkit_33 :: devKitCommandLine startstone devkit_33
Error on or near line 116 :: startStone devkit_33 :: startStone devkit_33
rk:~ regkrock$ 

Glass mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: Error Stoping stone - Will not restart

GLASS mailing list


Well your initial stopStone failed -- I see a SIGTERM (GemStone signal handler: signal 15 (SIGTERM), received from process 68638 userId 501) during the stopStone and that is not normal ...

During the startStone script, the waitstone command does not think that the stone is running, but according to the startstone error, there is a stone already running ... to (hopefully) figure things out, I'd need to look at the stone log (/Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/server/stones/devkit_33/logs/devkit_33.log).

In the future you should know that it is safe to `kill` a stone -- you may loose transactions in progress -- but you will not corrupt your data base or tranlogs if you use `kill`.

In this case I'd like to also see the log file and the output of the `$GS_HOME/bin/stones` command.


On 8/30/17 8:27 AM, Reg Krock wrote:

On 30 Aug2017, at 11:24 AM, Reg Krock <[hidden email]> wrote


I had backed up the stone using the backup command in tODE.
Also, all of the clients were logged out. However there had been times when the tODE client hung and I had to force a disconnect.

On the shutdown there was an error. The startup also failed.

Where should I look for answers to this problem?

rk:~ regkrock$ stopStone devkit_33
   GsDevKit script: stopStone devkit_33
              path: /Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/bin/stopStone

Error running shell command: '/Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/server/bin/gs/stopGemstone'
with args:
STDOUT: '--- 30/08/2017 11:16:52.370 EDT ---
stopstone[Info]: GemStone version ''3.3.5''
stopstone[Info]: initiating ''devkit_33'' shutdown...
--- 30/08/2017 11:16:54.384 EDT Login
[Info]: libssl-3.3.5-64.dylib: loaded
--- 30/08/2017 11:16:54.666 EDT ---
stopstone[Info]: Waiting forever for all other processes to detach the shared page cache.
--- 30/08/2017 11:17:05.087 EDT ---
stopstone[Info]: Still waiting for 4 processes to detach the shared page cache.
--- 30/08/2017 11:17:15.455 EDT ---
stopstone[Info]: Still waiting for 4 processes to detach the shared page cache.
STDERR: =================
   GsDevKit script: stopGemstone 
              path: /Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/server/bin/gs/stopGemstone
GemStone signal handler: signal 15 (SIGTERM), received from process 68638 userId 501
  si_code: 0 at 1504106247, unknown SI_
Error on or near line 22 :: stopGemstone  :: stopGemstone 
Error: Shell command: '/Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/server/bin/gs/stopGemstone' failed.
GsDevKitStopstoneCommandLineHandler class(Object)>>error:
GsDevKitStopstoneCommandLineHandler class(GsDevKitAbstractCommandLineHandler class)>>runShellCommand:args:noError:
GsDevKitStopstoneCommandLineHandler class(CommandLineHandler class)>>activateWith:
PharoCommandLineHandler(BasicCommandLineHandler)>>activateSubCommand: in Block: [ aCommandLinehandler activateWith: commandLine ]
PharoCommandLineHandler(BasicCommandLineHandler)>>activate in Block: [ self handleArgument: (self arguments ifEmpty: [ ...etc...
PharoCommandLineHandler class(CommandLineHandler class)>>activateWith:
PharoCommandLineHandler class>>activateWith: in Block: [ super activateWith: aCommandLine ]
MorphicUIManager>>spawnNewProcess in Block: [ ...
BlockClosure>>newProcess in Block: [ ...
Error on or near line 99 :: devKitCommandLine stopstone devkit_33 :: devKitCommandLine stopstone devkit_33
Error on or near line 62 :: stopStone devkit_33 :: stopStone devkit_33
rk:~ regkrock$ stopNetldi devkit_33
   GsDevKit script: stopNetldi devkit_33
              path: /Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/bin/stopNetldi

stopnetldi[Info]: GemStone version '3.3.5'
stopnetldi[Info]: GemStone server 'devKit_33_ldi' has been stopped.

...finished :: stopNetldi devkit_33
rk:~ regkrock$ startStone devkit_33
   GsDevKit script: startStone devkit_33
              path: /Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/bin/startStone
|             GemStone/S64 Object-Oriented Data Management System             |
|                   Copyright (C) GemTalk Systems 1986-2017                   |
|                            All rights reserved.                             |
|    PROGRAM: WAITSTONE, GemStone Remote Process Utility                      |
|    VERSION: 3.3.5, Thu May  4 11:35:24 2017                                 |
|      BUILD: gss64_3_3_x_branch-41643                                        |
|  BUILT FOR: Darwin (Mac)                                                    |
|       MODE: 64 bit                                                          |
| RUNNING ON: 8-CPU rk.home x86_64 (Darwin 16.6.0 ) 2600MHz MacBookPro10,1 2048MB
| PROCESS ID: 68688     DATE: 30/08/2017 11:18:18 EDT                         |
|   USER IDS: REAL=regkrock (501) EFFECTIVE=regkrock (501) LOGIN=regkrock (501)
| DATEFORMAT: %d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S %Z                                            |
|   GEMSTONE_NRS_ALL = #dir:$GEMSTONE_LOGDIR#log:%N%P.log                     |
waitstone[Error]: Network service !#dir:/Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/server/stones/devkit_33/logs#log:%N%P.log#server!devkit_33 was not found.
Network lookup failure; could not find server 'devkit_33' on host 'rk.home' because file not found: /opt/gemstone/locks/devkit_33..LCK;  service devkit_33 not found ; NetLDI service 'gs64ldi' not found on node 'localhost6' port 50377 :
connect(7,::ffff:,port=50377) failed with errno=22,EINVAL, Invalid argument (programmer error)

Error running shell command: '/Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/server/bin/gs/startGemstone'
with args:
STDOUT: 'Starting stone: devkit_33
--- 30/08/2017 11:18:19.449 EDT ---
stopstone[Info]: GemStone version ''3.3.5''
stopstone[Info]: Server ''devkit_33'' is not running.
startstone[Info]: GemStone version ''3.3.5''
startstone[Info]: Starting Stone repository monitor devkit_33.
startstone[Info]: GEMSTONE is: ''/Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/server/stones/devkit_33/product''.
startstone[Info]: GEMSTONE_NRS_ALL is: ''#dir:$GEMSTONE_LOGDIR#log:%N%P.log''.
startstone[Info]:  Ignoring  GEMSTONE_NRS_ALL for stone
startstone[Info]: Log file is ''/Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/server/stones/devkit_33/logs/devkit_33.log''.
    Now starting GemStone monitor.

|     SESSION CONFIGURATION: The maximum number of concurrent sessions is 10. |

    Attaching the Shared Cache using Stone name: devkit_33
    Started free frame page server, processId 68710
    Successfully started free frame page server with 1 threads.

    A Stone is already attached to this shared cache monitor. 
    Check for another Stone with the same name running on this host.

    Terminating stone.
STDERR: =================
   GsDevKit script: startGemstone 
              path: /Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/server/bin/gs/startGemstone
   GsDevKit script: stopGemstone 
              path: /Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/server/bin/gs/stopGemstone

startstone[Error]: Stone process (id=68709) has died.
startstone[Error]: Examine '/Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/server/stones/devkit_33/logs/devkit_33.log' for more information.  Excerpt follows:
Error on or near line 22 :: startGemstone  :: startGemstone 
Error: Shell command: '/Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/server/bin/gs/startGemstone' failed.
GsDevKitStartstoneCommandLineHandler class(Object)>>error:
GsDevKitStartstoneCommandLineHandler class(GsDevKitAbstractCommandLineHandler class)>>runShellCommand:args:noError:
GsDevKitStartstoneCommandLineHandler class(CommandLineHandler class)>>activateWith:
PharoCommandLineHandler(BasicCommandLineHandler)>>activateSubCommand: in Block: [ aCommandLinehandler activateWith: commandLine ]
PharoCommandLineHandler(BasicCommandLineHandler)>>activate in Block: [ self handleArgument: (self arguments ifEmpty: [ ...etc...
PharoCommandLineHandler class(CommandLineHandler class)>>activateWith:
PharoCommandLineHandler class>>activateWith: in Block: [ super activateWith: aCommandLine ]
MorphicUIManager>>spawnNewProcess in Block: [ ...
BlockClosure>>newProcess in Block: [ ...
Error on or near line 99 :: devKitCommandLine startstone devkit_33 :: devKitCommandLine startstone devkit_33
Error on or near line 116 :: startStone devkit_33 :: startStone devkit_33
rk:~ regkrock$ 

Glass mailing list
[hidden email]
Reply | Threaded
Open this post in threaded view

Re: Error Stoping stone - Will not restart

GLASS mailing list

This is what was suggested by Allen to figure out what was going on:

Suggest checking for stale processes with
    gslist -l -v
   ps -ef |grep stoned
   ps -ef | grep shrpcmon
Ensure all stoned and shrpcmon processes killed,  and stale shared memory
and semaphores (as shown by ipcs ) cleaned up with ipcrm .
Also  ensure any stale files in  /opt/gemstone/locks/ other than
the  gemstone.hostid file  are deleted.  If no netldi nor stones running,
only file gemstone.hostid should exist in /opt/gemstone/locks .

... Reg found a stale shrpcmon process and killed it ... a subesquent stone restart failed, but I don't have the stone log error ... I assume it had to do with not enough shared memory --- killing the shpcmon process can result in shared memory and shared semaphores being left around (ipcs and ipcrm can be used to clean these two resources up) ... anyway Reg chose to reboot his machine (which would reset shared memory) and was able to restart his stone ...


On 8/30/17 8:51 AM, Dale Henrichs wrote:


Well your initial stopStone failed -- I see a SIGTERM (GemStone signal handler: signal 15 (SIGTERM), received from process 68638 userId 501) during the stopStone and that is not normal ...

During the startStone script, the waitstone command does not think that the stone is running, but according to the startstone error, there is a stone already running ... to (hopefully) figure things out, I'd need to look at the stone log (/Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/server/stones/devkit_33/logs/devkit_33.log).

In the future you should know that it is safe to `kill` a stone -- you may loose transactions in progress -- but you will not corrupt your data base or tranlogs if you use `kill`.

In this case I'd like to also see the log file and the output of the `$GS_HOME/bin/stones` command.


On 8/30/17 8:27 AM, Reg Krock wrote:

On 30 Aug2017, at 11:24 AM, Reg Krock <[hidden email]> wrote


I had backed up the stone using the backup command in tODE.
Also, all of the clients were logged out. However there had been times when the tODE client hung and I had to force a disconnect.

On the shutdown there was an error. The startup also failed.

Where should I look for answers to this problem?

rk:~ regkrock$ stopStone devkit_33
   GsDevKit script: stopStone devkit_33
              path: /Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/bin/stopStone

Error running shell command: '/Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/server/bin/gs/stopGemstone'
with args:
STDOUT: '--- 30/08/2017 11:16:52.370 EDT ---
stopstone[Info]: GemStone version ''3.3.5''
stopstone[Info]: initiating ''devkit_33'' shutdown...
--- 30/08/2017 11:16:54.384 EDT Login
[Info]: libssl-3.3.5-64.dylib: loaded
--- 30/08/2017 11:16:54.666 EDT ---
stopstone[Info]: Waiting forever for all other processes to detach the shared page cache.
--- 30/08/2017 11:17:05.087 EDT ---
stopstone[Info]: Still waiting for 4 processes to detach the shared page cache.
--- 30/08/2017 11:17:15.455 EDT ---
stopstone[Info]: Still waiting for 4 processes to detach the shared page cache.
STDERR: =================
   GsDevKit script: stopGemstone 
              path: /Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/server/bin/gs/stopGemstone
GemStone signal handler: signal 15 (SIGTERM), received from process 68638 userId 501
  si_code: 0 at 1504106247, unknown SI_
Error on or near line 22 :: stopGemstone  :: stopGemstone 
Error: Shell command: '/Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/server/bin/gs/stopGemstone' failed.
GsDevKitStopstoneCommandLineHandler class(Object)>>error:
GsDevKitStopstoneCommandLineHandler class(GsDevKitAbstractCommandLineHandler class)>>runShellCommand:args:noError:
GsDevKitStopstoneCommandLineHandler class(CommandLineHandler class)>>activateWith:
PharoCommandLineHandler(BasicCommandLineHandler)>>activateSubCommand: in Block: [ aCommandLinehandler activateWith: commandLine ]
PharoCommandLineHandler(BasicCommandLineHandler)>>activate in Block: [ self handleArgument: (self arguments ifEmpty: [ ...etc...
PharoCommandLineHandler class(CommandLineHandler class)>>activateWith:
PharoCommandLineHandler class>>activateWith: in Block: [ super activateWith: aCommandLine ]
MorphicUIManager>>spawnNewProcess in Block: [ ...
BlockClosure>>newProcess in Block: [ ...
Error on or near line 99 :: devKitCommandLine stopstone devkit_33 :: devKitCommandLine stopstone devkit_33
Error on or near line 62 :: stopStone devkit_33 :: stopStone devkit_33
rk:~ regkrock$ stopNetldi devkit_33
   GsDevKit script: stopNetldi devkit_33
              path: /Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/bin/stopNetldi

stopnetldi[Info]: GemStone version '3.3.5'
stopnetldi[Info]: GemStone server 'devKit_33_ldi' has been stopped.

...finished :: stopNetldi devkit_33
rk:~ regkrock$ startStone devkit_33
   GsDevKit script: startStone devkit_33
              path: /Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/bin/startStone
|             GemStone/S64 Object-Oriented Data Management System             |
|                   Copyright (C) GemTalk Systems 1986-2017                   |
|                            All rights reserved.                             |
|    PROGRAM: WAITSTONE, GemStone Remote Process Utility                      |
|    VERSION: 3.3.5, Thu May  4 11:35:24 2017                                 |
|      BUILD: gss64_3_3_x_branch-41643                                        |
|  BUILT FOR: Darwin (Mac)                                                    |
|       MODE: 64 bit                                                          |
| RUNNING ON: 8-CPU rk.home x86_64 (Darwin 16.6.0 ) 2600MHz MacBookPro10,1 2048MB
| PROCESS ID: 68688     DATE: 30/08/2017 11:18:18 EDT                         |
|   USER IDS: REAL=regkrock (501) EFFECTIVE=regkrock (501) LOGIN=regkrock (501)
| DATEFORMAT: %d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S %Z                                            |
|   GEMSTONE_NRS_ALL = #dir:$GEMSTONE_LOGDIR#log:%N%P.log                     |
waitstone[Error]: Network service !#dir:/Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/server/stones/devkit_33/logs#log:%N%P.log#server!devkit_33 was not found.
Network lookup failure; could not find server 'devkit_33' on host 'rk.home' because file not found: /opt/gemstone/locks/devkit_33..LCK;  service devkit_33 not found ; NetLDI service 'gs64ldi' not found on node 'localhost6' port 50377 :
connect(7,::ffff:,port=50377) failed with errno=22,EINVAL, Invalid argument (programmer error)

Error running shell command: '/Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/server/bin/gs/startGemstone'
with args:
STDOUT: 'Starting stone: devkit_33
--- 30/08/2017 11:18:19.449 EDT ---
stopstone[Info]: GemStone version ''3.3.5''
stopstone[Info]: Server ''devkit_33'' is not running.
startstone[Info]: GemStone version ''3.3.5''
startstone[Info]: Starting Stone repository monitor devkit_33.
startstone[Info]: GEMSTONE is: ''/Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/server/stones/devkit_33/product''.
startstone[Info]: GEMSTONE_NRS_ALL is: ''#dir:$GEMSTONE_LOGDIR#log:%N%P.log''.
startstone[Info]:  Ignoring  GEMSTONE_NRS_ALL for stone
startstone[Info]: Log file is ''/Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/server/stones/devkit_33/logs/devkit_33.log''.
    Now starting GemStone monitor.

|     SESSION CONFIGURATION: The maximum number of concurrent sessions is 10. |

    Attaching the Shared Cache using Stone name: devkit_33
    Started free frame page server, processId 68710
    Successfully started free frame page server with 1 threads.

    A Stone is already attached to this shared cache monitor. 
    Check for another Stone with the same name running on this host.

    Terminating stone.
STDERR: =================
   GsDevKit script: startGemstone 
              path: /Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/server/bin/gs/startGemstone
   GsDevKit script: stopGemstone 
              path: /Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/server/bin/gs/stopGemstone

startstone[Error]: Stone process (id=68709) has died.
startstone[Error]: Examine '/Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/server/stones/devkit_33/logs/devkit_33.log' for more information.  Excerpt follows:
Error on or near line 22 :: startGemstone  :: startGemstone 
Error: Shell command: '/Users/regkrock/GsDevKit_home/server/bin/gs/startGemstone' failed.
GsDevKitStartstoneCommandLineHandler class(Object)>>error:
GsDevKitStartstoneCommandLineHandler class(GsDevKitAbstractCommandLineHandler class)>>runShellCommand:args:noError:
GsDevKitStartstoneCommandLineHandler class(CommandLineHandler class)>>activateWith:
PharoCommandLineHandler(BasicCommandLineHandler)>>activateSubCommand: in Block: [ aCommandLinehandler activateWith: commandLine ]
PharoCommandLineHandler(BasicCommandLineHandler)>>activate in Block: [ self handleArgument: (self arguments ifEmpty: [ ...etc...
PharoCommandLineHandler class(CommandLineHandler class)>>activateWith:
PharoCommandLineHandler class>>activateWith: in Block: [ super activateWith: aCommandLine ]
MorphicUIManager>>spawnNewProcess in Block: [ ...
BlockClosure>>newProcess in Block: [ ...
Error on or near line 99 :: devKitCommandLine startstone devkit_33 :: devKitCommandLine startstone devkit_33
Error on or near line 116 :: startStone devkit_33 :: startStone devkit_33
rk:~ regkrock$ 

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