Shlomi Fish wrote:
> Hi!
> The attached script causes GNU Smalltalk (version 2.1.12, installed from
> source) to crash. I'm using Mandriva 2006.
You are not loading the SUnit package, so your MsfTest class a) does not
implement #run: and b) derives from nil. It is normal to have a crash
if you call a method that is not understood by a class that does not
implement #doesNotUnderstand:.
I am currently thinking of a scripting syntax that will catch mistakes
like this.
It works if you add a
PackageLoader fileInPackage: #SUnit!
line at the top, and change the last line to "t run".
TestCase subclass: #MsfTest
instanceVariableNames: ''
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'SUnit-Tests'!
Object subclass: #SquaringFactors
instanceVariableNames: 'numbers'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'Program'!
!SquaringFactors methodsFor: 'initialization'!
from: myarr
numbers := (OrderedCollection new: myarr).
!MsfTest methodsFor: 'testing'!
|n m ret|
n := (SquaringFactors new) from: #(2).
m := (SquaringFactors new) from: #(3).
ret := ((n multiplyBy: m) getArray).
self assert: (ret at: 1) = 2.
self assert: (ret at: 2) = 3.
t := (MsfTest new).
t run: #testMultiply.
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