Re: [GS/SS Beta] Error in method

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Re: [GS/SS Beta] Error in method


From the partial error message it looks like the selector (or symbol) in a method is being created with illegal characters (for symbols) would be useful to see the method source as UTF8 so that we can debug the issue here at GemStone.

The best way to do that would be to load the package into Squeak or Pharo (presumably the package was created there) and then convert the method source to UTF8, write to a file and then attach the file to email ...


----- "Juan" <[hidden email]> wrote:

| Dale , folks
| The package i one of my own, not standard package.
| the bug is fixed (  changing cahracter ??  by more appropriate
| character) , i can to load package, i suspect is characters  problem.
| the wierd is the error description i found.
| i'm looking for advice about that error description
| best regads
| On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 2:50 PM, Dale Henrichs
| <[hidden email]> wrote:
| > Juan,
| >
| > Which package is failing ... I've poked at the repository and I
| haven't seen failures...the name of the file should be on the stack
| ...
| >
| > If it is an intermittent error I would begin to suspect network
| problems of some kind ...
| >
| > Dale
| > ----- "Juan" <[hidden email]> wrote:
| >
| > | folks
| > |
| > | importing from monticello   every so often gives me error.
| > | the error seems to be always the same, but I can not find
| > | I think there should be some obscure character.
| > |
| > | the original code is:
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > | the error  where i don't understand is:    (also hard copy to
| > | clipboard the buffer is truncatted)
| > |
| > |
| > | anArray( anArray( #'halt', 'Compile error in Class: ''Permiso
| class''
| > | method:    permisoParaEvaluarComponente
| > |    ^ (self new)  
|  operacionPermitida:#operacionEvaluarComponente;
| > |
| > |
| ^^^111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,144,145,146,147,148,149,150,151,152,153,154
| > |
| > | 1: [1009] illegal symbol
| > | 2: [1009] illegal symbol
| > | 3: [1009] illegal symbol
| > | 4: [1009] illegal symbol
| > | 5: [1009] illegal symbol
| > | 6: [1009] illegal symbol
| > | 7: [1009] illegal symbol
| > | 8: [1009] illegal symbol
| > | 9: [1009] illegal symbol
| > | 10: [1009] illegal symbol
| > | 11: [1009] illegal symbol
| > | 12: [1009] illegal symbol
| > | 13: [1009] illegal symbol
| > | 14: [1009] illegal symbol
| > | 15: [1009] illegal symbol
| > | 16: [1009] illegal symbol
| > | 17: [1009] illegal symbol
| > | 18: [1009] illegal symbol
| > | 19: [1009] illegal symbol
| > | 20: [1009] illegal symbol
| > | 21: [1009] illegal symbol
| > | 22: [1009] illegal symbol
| > | 23: [1009] illegal symbol
| > | 24: [1009] illegal symbol
| > | 25: [1009] illegal symbol
| > | 26: [1009] illegal symbol
| > | 27: [1009] illegal symbol
| > | 28: [1009] illegal symbol
| > | 29: [1009] illegal symbol
| > | 30: [1009] illegal symbol
| > | 31: [1009] illegal symbol
| > | 32: [1009] illegal symbol
| > | 33: [1009] illegal symbol
| > | 34: [1009] illegal symbol
| > | 35: [1009] illegal symbol
| > | 36: [1009] illegal symbol
| > | 37: [1009] illegal symbol
| > | 38: [1009] illegal symbol
| > | 39: [1009] illegal symbol
| > | 40: [1009] illegal symbol
| > | 41: [1009] illegal symbol
| > |
| > | how to interpret this?
| > | any ideas?
| > | best regards
| > | MDC
| >