Re: Glamour-Merilin-Mondrian

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Re: Glamour-Merilin-Mondrian

Júlio Martins
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Júlio Martins
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Re: Glamour-Merilin-Mondrian

Tudor Girba-2
In reply to this post by Júlio Martins

On 16 Dec 2011, at 02:41, Júlio Martins wrote:

> But, coming back to the problem, let me summarize what I understood the problem is, and then you tell us if it is so:
> - you have a browser
> - in that browser you have an action that opens a Merlin wizard  
> - you want that given the value returned by the wizard to update the whole browser, or just a part of it
> If this is correct, you can probably do something like:
> browser act: [:b | filterWizard atEndDo: [...]. b update ] entitled: '...'
> You are correct! This value retrieved from the wizard i need to update the browser Indeed what I have to update is a distribution map. I have tried to use this
>      browser act: [:b | filterWizard atEndDo: [...]. b update ] entitled: '...'
>  method but my Merlin wizard doesn't appear. I only can do this when I use
> browser
> spawn: [:a|
> filterWizard atEndDo:[:wizardInformation|
> a transmit
> to: #map;
> andShow:[:b|
> self distributionMapIn: b with: (wizardInformation at: #textEntry) ]
> ]
> ] entitled: 'Filter'.
> I thought this would be sufficient to update the distribution map, but I was wrong. I can't understand good how use your hint..

"transmit" is just a specification of a link between two ports, not the actual execution of the transmission.

spawn:entitled: is almost the same as act:entitled: internally. So, you can just add any behavior in it. For example, you could do:

                spawn: [: theActualBrowser |
                        filterWizard atEndDo:[:wizardInformation | theActualBrowser update ]
                ] entitled: 'Filter'.



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