I think your loading script should instead be:
Gofer new smalltalkhubUser: 'DanielAvivNotario'
project: 'Graph-ET';
package: 'Graph-ET'; load
I was able to use Graph-ET in a Roassal easel. Cool! I think we should _always_ be able to do so.
Here is a script:
view interaction popupView: [ :el :v |
v shape rectangle.
v node: 'node' forIt: [
| diag |
diag := GETVerticalBarDiagram new.
models: ((el methods collect: #numberOfLinesOfCode) asSortedCollection);
height: 50;
spacing: 2.
diag generateIn: v raw.
] ].
view shape rectangle size: #numberOfMethods.
view nodes: ROShape withAllSubclasses.
view edgesFrom: #superclass.
view treeLayout.
Aqui un screenshot de un popup view:
On Jun 3, 2013, at 11:20 PM, Daniel Aviv Notario <
[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Doru!
I send you this email to inform you of the stage of development in Graph-ET.
I recently added all the interactions in EyeSee (pop-ups and hightlights) using Roassal's events and interactions. Because of the implementation in Graph-ET, I had to use a wrapper to make the syntax in EyeSee work, I tested them only in the bar chart so far.
This week I'll work on adding the coloring to the bar charts. And maybe trying to understand and implement a little bit of the Axis and AxisStrategy hierarchy, as they represent most of the classes in EyeSee. Once coloring and axis are implemeted and tested on the bar charts, i'll port the other charts.
Here's my Gofer to Graph-ET:
Gofer new
smalltalkhubUser: ‘DanielAvivNotario’
project: ‘Graph-ET’
package: ‘Graph-ET’.
Remember to upload first the last version of Roassal, as Alex made some changes that affect my code directly.
Hope you're doing great! Greetings,
Daniel :-)
Alexandre Bergel
Moose-dev mailing list
[hidden email]