Re: Hello world as initial example

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Re: Hello world as initial example

Richard A. O'Keefe

> From: Offray Vladimir Luna C?rdenas <[hidden email]>
> That being said, I have always felt that hello world is kind of a
> strange introduction to programming:

Surely the traditional Smalltalk first step is
1. Open Workspace/Playground.
2. Type 3+4.
3. Cmd-P

If I can remember that far back, my first exercise was
2+3) 1 <print it>
4+5) 1 class <print it>
6+7) 1 class class <print it>
8+9) 1 class browse <do it>
10)  <quit do not save>

Having read the three coloured books and Inside Smalltalk
-- now freely available and thank you SO MUCH for that --
the language wasn't that strange, but the user interface
was utterly unlike anything I'd ever used before, even my
beloved Interlisp-D.  These days, Pharo-the-IDE is enough
different that those books don't help as much as they did
when I met Squeak.  (For that matter, I am still fairly
helpless with VisualAge Smalltalk because of differences
in the UI.)

Come to think of it, lesson 1 ought to be "how to shut
Pharo down".  It's the first thing I look for in any
programming environment these days.