Re: How to add a contextual menu to a Spec

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Re: How to add a contextual menu to a Spec

Hartmut Krasemann-2
Hi Sven,
Subject: [Pharo-users] How to add a contextual menu to a Spec
Message-ID: [hidden email]
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii


I am struggle a bit in find the right way to add a contextual menu to a Spec ListModel.


ListModel new 
  title: 'List Example';
  items: Smalltalk allClasses; 

I would like to add a right-click contextual menu to the list, with for example a 'Browse' action. I can't find such a simple example. I know there is a #menu: option, I can see some usages in my image, but they seem to do different things. What would be the recommended approach ?

ListModel new 
  title: 'List Example';
  items: Smalltalk allClasses; 
  "menu: [ ];"



PS: Probably the reference to the #selectedItem of the ListModel for the action is hard to write in a one-liner, that is not a requirement.

I found the following to work for ListModel and MultiColumnList,
e.g to add #inspect as a list item pop up :

    menu: [ :m | self listMenu: m ] .

listMenu: m
    | item |
    item := m add: #inspect target: self selectedItem selector: #inspect .
    item enablementSelector: [ self selectedItem isNotNil ] .


Hartmut Krasemann
Königsberger Str. 41 c
D 22869 Schenefeld
Tel. 040.8307097
Mobil 0171.6451283
[hidden email]

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Re: How to add a contextual menu to a Spec

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2
Hi Hartmut,

Thanks for the reply. Like I said in my previous post 'I like to stay within Spec as much as possible', it got it working fine now.


> On 24 May 2017, at 12:03, Hartmut Krasemann <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi Sven,
>> Subject: [Pharo-users] How to add a contextual menu to a Spec
>> ListModel
>> Message-ID:
>> <[hidden email]>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>> Hi,
>> I am struggle a bit in find the right way to add a contextual menu to a Spec ListModel.
>> Consider:
>> ListModel new
>>   title: 'List Example';
>>   items: Smalltalk allClasses;
>>   openWithSpec.
>> I would like to add a right-click contextual menu to the list, with for example a 'Browse' action. I can't find such a simple example. I know there is a #menu: option, I can see some usages in my image, but they seem to do different things. What would be the recommended approach ?
>> ListModel new
>>   title: 'List Example';
>>   items: Smalltalk allClasses;
>>   "menu: [ ];"
>>   openWithSpec.
>> Thanks,
>> Sven
>> PS: Probably the reference to the #selectedItem of the ListModel for the action is hard to write in a one-liner, that is not a requirement.
> I found the following to work for ListModel and MultiColumnList,
> e.g to add #inspect as a list item pop up :
>     menu: [ :m | self listMenu: m ] .
> listMenu: m
>     | item |
>     item := m add: #inspect target: self selectedItem selector: #inspect .
>     item enablementSelector: [ self selectedItem isNotNil ] .
>     ^m
> Hartmut
> --
> Hartmut Krasemann
> Königsberger Str. 41 c
> D 22869 Schenefeld
> Tel. 040.8307097
> Mobil 0171.6451283
> [hidden email]