I also think that the answer to this is what you say Keith: "short methods"
Short methods are easy to understand, to read, to debug.
Another thing I would like to mention is about variable names:
Panu: the compiler is helping you!. It's telling you that the way you are
naming your local block variable is not so accurate because you are going to
confuse with the instance variable. Instance variables represent what your
object "has". A Class has "name".
A Delay has "duration".
We can take advantage of Smalltalk's ability to put any name we want.
For example, if we put "inst" as a variable name what does that "inst"
instructor? intruction? instance? installation?
If you name correctly your block variable (for instance: eachName , aName,
myName, carName, dogName or whatever) you are not going to have that problem
again, and all of your variables are correctly named, readable and following
Smalltalk 's wise philosophy. Take a look at your Dolphin... it does not
have any instance variable named: something_ivar :-)
"Mark Wilden" <
[hidden email]> wrote in message
[hidden email]...
> "Keith Alcock" <
[hidden email]> wrote in message
> news:
[hidden email]...
> >
> > There may be an overabundance of color this way,
> > but it should be obvious then which of the variables have been passed
> a method,
> > which are local to a block, etc.
> This would be gilding the lily, IMO. If these things aren't already
> then the method is too long (the standard Smalltalk answer:).