Re: Issue 16 in moose-technology: implicit importer is wrong: an implicit variable should be attached to a method not a class

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Re: Issue 16 in moose-technology: implicit importer is wrong: an implicit variable should be attached to a method not a class


Comment #9 on issue 16 by cy.delaunay: implicit importer is wrong: an  
implicit variable should be attached to a method not a class

after looking a bit more, I think we will have to change also the code  
about Invocations, which expect the parent of an ImplicitVariable to be a  

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Re: Issue 16 in moose-technology: implicit importer is wrong: an implicit variable should be attached to a method not a class


Comment #10 on issue 16 by cy.delaunay: implicit importer is wrong: an  
implicit variable should be attached to a method not a class

I did something to fix that. For now it is in my own repository, you can  
load in the last 1.2 moose image by evaluating:

Gofer new
        squeaksource: 'DelaunayTmpStuffs';
        package: 'Moose-SmalltalkImporter';
        version: 'Moose-SmalltalkImporter-cyrille_delaunay.103';
        package: 'Moose-Tests-SmalltalkImporter-Core';
        version: 'Moose-Tests-SmalltalkImporter-Core-cyrille_delaunay.13';
        package: 'Moose-Tests-SmalltalkImporter-LAN';
        version: 'Moose-Tests-SmalltalkImporter-LAN-cyrille_delaunay.5';
        package: 'Famix-Extensions';
        version: 'Famix-Extensions-cyrille_delaunay.150';

What I mainly changed:
- added an instance variable in MooseImporter, to store them and be sure we  
will not create  two times the same implicit variable (not sure if my  
solution is the best tn terms of performance, but it does not seem to take  
too much to create a model).
- modify some tests  that were expecting an implicitVariable to belong to a  
- modify the code to compute an invocation's receiver's type.

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Re: Issue 16 in moose-technology: implicit importer is wrong: an implicit variable should be attached to a method not a class

        Cc: tudor.girba

Comment #11 on issue 16 by cy.delaunay: implicit importer is wrong: an  
implicit variable should be attached to a method not a class

(No comment was entered for this change.)

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Re: Issue 16 in moose-technology: implicit importer is wrong: an implicit variable should be attached to a method not a class

        Labels: -Milestone-4.2 Milestone-4.3

Comment #12 on issue 16 by [hidden email]: implicit importer is  
wrong: an implicit variable should be attached to a method not a class

Cyrille, please publish this in the main repository.

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Re: Issue 16 in moose-technology: implicit importer is wrong: an implicit variable should be attached to a method not a class


Comment #13 on issue 16 by [hidden email]: implicit importer is  
wrong: an implicit variable should be attached to a method not a class

cyrille did you publish it ?
If it works, we can close the issue.

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Re: Issue 16 in moose-technology: implicit importer is wrong: an implicit variable should be attached to a method not a class


Comment #14 on issue 16 by [hidden email]: implicit importer is  
wrong: an implicit variable should be attached to a method not a class

Cyrille, is this published?

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Re: Issue 16 in moose-technology: implicit importer is wrong: an implicit variable should be attached to a method not a class

        Status: Fixed
        Owner: ---
        Cc: stephane.ducasse
        Labels: -Platform-VW

Comment #15 on issue 16 by [hidden email]: implicit importer is  
wrong: an implicit variable should be attached to a method not a class

Ok. I integrated the fixes. The tests are green. Finally, fixed :)

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