Re: Issue 21 in moose-technology: Put author and timestamp in entity property

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Re: Issue 21 in moose-technology: Put author and timestamp in entity property

        Summary: Put author and timestamp in entity property

Comment #10 on issue 21 by [hidden email]: Put author and timestamp  
in entity property

We quickly discussed that today, but I think it would be cool to add a  
switch in the importer telling whether or not we want to import such data -  
as well as a checkbox in the wizard. Should be easy enough.

Also don't forget to meta-describe the properties (it would be cool if Fame  
could figure it does not need to save data which are nil)

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Re: Issue 21 in moose-technology: Put author and timestamp in entity property


Comment #11 on issue 21 by [hidden email]: Put author and timestamp  
in entity property

In fact I didn't publish it because I was waiting your answer.
Yes Doru, there are tests. Yes Simon, they are meta-described.
I am not sure in which package I put the tests. There is not  
a "Famix-Tests-Smalltalk". Should I create this package to put the tests or  
I put it in FAMIX-Tests-Core (or FAMIX-Tests-Extensions)?

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Re: Issue 21 in moose-technology: Put author and timestamp in entity property


Comment #12 on issue 21 by [hidden email]: Put author and timestamp  
in entity property

The tests should go in the Moose-Tests-SmalltalkImporter-*.

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Re: Issue 21 in moose-technology: Put author and timestamp in entity property

        Status: Fixed

Comment #13 on issue 21 by [hidden email]: Put author and timestamp  
in entity property

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Re: Issue 21 in moose-technology: Put author and timestamp in entity property

        Labels: -Component-VerveineJ

Comment #14 on issue 21 by [hidden email]: Put author and timestamp  
in entity property

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