Comment #6 on issue 2704 by
[hidden email]: Tests for broken
withNoLineLongerThan: behavior. have another implementation for this method, which I think may be a bit
cleaner (and also passes all tests)
withNoLineLongerThan: maxWidth
"Answer a string with the same content as receiver, but rewrapped so that
no line has more characters than the given number"
| res size left right limit next |
size := self size.
maxWidth isNumber not | (maxWidth < 1) ifTrue: [self error: 'too narrow'].
^self class new: size * (maxWidth + 1) // maxWidth "provision for
supplementary line breaks"
streamContents: [ :stream |
right := 1.
[right <= size] whileTrue:
left := self indexOfAnyOf: CSNonSeparators startingAt: right ifAbsent:
[ ^stream next: size - left + 1 putAll: self startingAt: left; contents ].
limit := left + maxWidth - 1.
(limit >= size) ifTrue: [ ^stream next: size - left + 1 putAll: self
startingAt: left; contents ].
next := left.
[ next - 1 <= limit ] whileTrue: [
right := next.
next := self indexOfAnyOf: CSSeparators startingAt: next + 1 ifAbsent:
[ (next = left) ifTrue: [ limit + 1] ifFalse: [ limit+2 ] ].
(CSLineEnders includes: (self at: right)) ifTrue: [ next := limit+2].
stream next: right - left putAll: self startingAt: left.
(right <= size) ifTrue: [ stream cr ].