Comment #20 on issue 3088 by
[hidden email]: MNU
Text>>withBlanksTrimmed problem is not that references with "stringVersion" being a Text are
The *read* problem is in MethodReference>>#asStringOrText:
| text |
self actualClass ifNil: [ ^stringVersion ].
text := Text fromString: self stringVersion,' {',self category
asString,'} '.
self isLocalSelector ifFalse: [ text addAttribute: TextEmphasis italic ].
^ text
#fromString: does not check if it gets a string or a text, leading to a
broken Text instance.
In addtion, the text looses the formatting (in the protocol browser, it
uses a text to make
some prints BOLD).
So the change is this:
| text |
self actualClass ifNil: [ ^stringVersion ].
text := (self stringVersion,' {',self category asString,'} ') asText.
self isLocalSelector ifFalse: [ text addAttribute: TextEmphasis italic ].
^ text
because #asText just keeps a text being a text and converts a string to a
text... the nice thing is
that this fixes not only the DNU but enables bold printing of the local
methods in the protocolbrowser again,
Fix attached.
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