Re: Issue 315 in moose-technology: Moose Finder should be extensible by entities

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Re: Issue 315 in moose-technology: Moose Finder should be extensible by entities

        Labels: Milestone-4.3

Comment #2 on issue 315 by [hidden email]: Moose Finder should be  
extensible by entities

Currently, it is possible to extend the Moose Finder by defining extensions  
in the MooseFinder class. It's an Ok first solution but it will not really  
scale because we always have to test for the type.

Instead, we should have a dynamic presentation computed by delegating to  
the objects.

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[hidden email]
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Re: Issue 315 in moose-technology: Moose Finder should be extensible by entities

        Status: Fixed

Comment #3 on issue 315 by [hidden email]: Moose Finder should be  
extensible by entities

Implemented in the last Moose-Finder.

A class can define new presentation via methods that use the  
#moosePresentationOrder: pragma.

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