Re: Looking for testers of the Newsgroup server

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Re: Looking for testers of the Newsgroup server

Andy Bower

>  If Newcastle does disappear then we would look to replace the old local
>  Dolphin group instead but I understand that this is being shut down in
>  favour of clsd.

As far as we (at Object Arts) are concerned, it would probably be better if
you chose not to mirror the old private Dolphin group. All of the articles
have been extracted from it and form part of the news archives that are
available from Ian Bartholomew's site at:

We only look in c.l.s.d now, so it might be safer if the old group wasn't
actually available on the new server, since that might encourage people to
post to it - only to be disappointed with the level of response.

Do any Dolphin users have comments on this?

Best Regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support

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