Re: [Metacello] Problem loading Grease

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Re: [Metacello] Problem loading Grease

Damien Pollet
On 11 August 2011 20:05, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
> This is as good a place as any, since I maintain the Grease config:)...presumably the Seaside list is a better place overall, since the that's where the maintainers hang out ...

OK, let's x-post…

> Since I haven't seen this problem before, I'm curious why it's showing up now... is it related to a Pharo version? or has the Refactoring-Core package been refactored?

No idea… That's on a Pharo-1.4 image fresh from Jenkins.

> ----- Original Message -----
> | From: "Damien Pollet" <[hidden email]>
> | To: [hidden email]
> | Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2011 10:38:33 AM
> | Subject: [Metacello] Problem loading Grease
> |
> | Hi, not sure if here is the correct place to report packaging
> | problems, but here goes:
> |
> | Some part of Grease depends on Refactoring-Critics, but that is not
> | specified in ConfigurationofGrease (it only mentions
> | Refactoring-Core).
> |
> | Here's the error message I'm getting:
> |
> | This package depends on the following classes:
> |   RBTransformationRule
> |   RBParseTreeLintRule
> |   ParseTreeEnvironment
> |   RBBlockLintRule
> | You must resolve these dependencies before you will be able to load
> | these definitions:
> |   GRAnsiBooleansRule
> |   GRAnsiBooleansRule>>group
> |   GRAnsiBooleansRule>>initialize
> |   GRAnsiBooleansRule>>name
> |   GRAnsiBooleansRule>>rationale
> |   GRAnsiCharactersRule
> |   GRAnsiCharactersRule>>group
> |   GRAnsiCharactersRule>>initialize
> |   GRAnsiCharactersRule>>name
> |   GRAnsiCharactersRule>>rationale
> |   GRAnsiCollectionsRule
> |   GRAnsiCollectionsRule>>group
> |   GRAnsiCollectionsRule>>initialize
> |   GRAnsiCollectionsRule>>name
> |   GRAnsiCollectionsRule>>rationale
> |   GRAnsiConditionalsRule
> |   GRAnsiConditionalsRule>>group
> |   GRAnsiConditionalsRule>>initialize
> |   GRAnsiConditionalsRule>>name
> |   GRAnsiConditionalsRule>>rationale
> |   GRAnsiConvertorRule
> |   GRAnsiConvertorRule>>group
> |   GRAnsiConvertorRule>>initialize
> |   GRAnsiConvertorRule>>name
> |   GRAnsiConvertorRule>>rationale
> |   GRAnsiExceptionsRule
> |   GRAnsiExceptionsRule>>group
> |   GRAnsiExceptionsRule>>initialize
> |   GRAnsiExceptionsRule>>name
> |   GRAnsiExceptionsRule>>rationale
> |   GRAnsiStreamsRule
> |   GRAnsiStreamsRule>>group
> |   GRAnsiStreamsRule>>initialize
> |   GRAnsiStreamsRule>>name
> |   GRAnsiStreamsRule>>rationale
> |   GRAnsiStringsRule
> |   GRAnsiStringsRule>>group
> |   GRAnsiStringsRule>>initialize
> |   GRAnsiStringsRule>>name
> |   GRAnsiStringsRule>>rationale
> |   GRBasicNewInitializeMissingRule
> |   GRBasicNewInitializeMissingRule>>checkClass:
> |   GRBasicNewInitializeMissingRule>>group
> |   GRBasicNewInitializeMissingRule>>initialize
> |   GRBasicNewInitializeMissingRule>>name
> |   GRBasicNewInitializeMissingRule>>rationale
> |   GRDeprecatedApiProtocolRule
> |   GRDeprecatedApiProtocolRule>>checkMethod:
> |   GRDeprecatedApiProtocolRule>>group
> |   GRDeprecatedApiProtocolRule>>initialize
> |   GRDeprecatedApiProtocolRule>>name
> |   GRDeprecatedApiProtocolRule>>rationale
> |   GREmptyStatementsRule
> |   GREmptyStatementsRule>>checkMethod:
> |   GREmptyStatementsRule>>group
> |   GREmptyStatementsRule>>name
> |   GREmptyStatementsRule>>rationale
> |   GREmptyStatementsRule>>resetResult
> |   GRInvalidObjectInitializationRule
> |   GRInvalidObjectInitializationRule>>checkMethod:
> |   GRInvalidObjectInitializationRule>>group
> |   GRInvalidObjectInitializationRule>>name
> |   GRInvalidObjectInitializationRule>>rationale
> |   GRNonPortableSourceFormatRule
> |   GRNonPortableSourceFormatRule>>checkMethod:
> |   GRNonPortableSourceFormatRule>>group
> |   GRNonPortableSourceFormatRule>>name
> |   GRNonPortableSourceFormatRule>>rationale
> |   GRNotPortableCollectionsRule
> |   GRNotPortableCollectionsRule>>group
> |   GRNotPortableCollectionsRule>>initialize
> |   GRNotPortableCollectionsRule>>name
> |   GRNotPortableCollectionsRule>>rationale
> |   GRObjectInRule
> |   GRObjectInRule>>group
> |   GRObjectInRule>>initialize
> |   GRObjectInRule>>name
> |   GRObjectInRule>>rationale
> |   GRSlimeBlockLintRule
> |   GRSlimeBlockLintRule classSide>>isVisible
> |   GRSlimeParseTreeLintRule
> |   GRSlimeParseTreeLintRule classSide>>isVisible
> |   GRSlimeTransformationRule
> |   GRSlimeTransformationRule classSide>>isVisible
> |   GRUsesClassForHashRule
> |   GRUsesClassForHashRule>>checkMethod:
> |   GRUsesClassForHashRule>>group
> |   GRUsesClassForHashRule>>initialize
> |   GRUsesClassForHashRule>>name
> |   GRUsesClassForHashRule>>rationale
> |   GRUsesCurlyBraceArraysRule
> |   GRUsesCurlyBraceArraysRule>>group
> |   GRUsesCurlyBraceArraysRule>>initialize
> |   GRUsesCurlyBraceArraysRule>>name
> |   GRUsesCurlyBraceArraysRule>>rationale
> |   GRUsesLiteralByteArraysRule
> |   GRUsesLiteralByteArraysRule>>group
> |   GRUsesLiteralByteArraysRule>>initialize
> |   GRUsesLiteralByteArraysRule>>name
> |   GRUsesLiteralByteArraysRule>>rationale
> |   GRUsesMethodAnnotationsRule
> |   GRUsesMethodAnnotationsRule>>checkMethod:
> |   GRUsesMethodAnnotationsRule>>group
> |   GRUsesMethodAnnotationsRule>>name
> |   GRUsesMethodAnnotationsRule>>rationale
> |   GRUsesNotPortableClassRule
> |   GRUsesNotPortableClassRule>>checkClass:
> |   GRUsesNotPortableClassRule>>checkMethod:
> |   GRUsesNotPortableClassRule>>classNames
> |   GRUsesNotPortableClassRule>>group
> |   GRUsesNotPortableClassRule>>name
> |   GRUsesNotPortableClassRule>>rationale
> |   ParseTreeEnvironment>>matcher

Damien Pollet
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