"Boris Popov" <
[hidden email]> wrote in message
[hidden email]...
> Well... It's not about "2 asString"... :)
> It's about 12 being converted to 'twelve'... And 101 being converted to
> 'hundred and one'... Etc etc etc
> I have had that code some time ago, but I can't find it at the moment. I
> pretty sure someone already has it... Could you share it please ? :)
> Dialect does not matter...
> Regards, Boris
Here is some code I grabbed out of SmalltalkAgents
You'll want to write the #divModPair:into: method.
method class=Integer [
| pair remainder answer t1 t2 t3 t4 result newResult |
pair := List new: 2.
t1 := #(
zero one two three four five six seven eight nine
ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen
eighteen nineteen
(self sign < 0) ifTrue:
answer := 'minus ' copy.
result := self magnitude.
] ifFalse:
answer := String new.
result := self.
(result < 20) ifTrue:
^answer, (t1 basicAt: result+1)
t2 := #(twenty thirty fourty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety).
(result < 100) ifTrue:
result divModPair: 10 into: pair.
remainder := pair at: 2.
newResult := pair at: 1.
^remainder ifZero:
answer,(t2 at: newResult-1)
] ifNotZero:
answer,(t2 at: newResult-1),' ',(t1 basicAt: remainder+1)
t3 := #(hundred thousand million billion trillion).
t4 := #(100 1000 1000000 1000000000 1000000000000 1000000000000000).
2 to: t4 basicSize do:
[:index || range |
range := t4 at: index.
(result < range) ifTrue:
result divModPair: (t4 at: index-1) into: pair.
remainder := pair at: 2.
newResult := pair at: 1.
remainder ifZero:
newResult asNumericString,' ',
(t3 at: index-1)
] ifNotZero:
newResult asNumericString,' ',
(t3 at: index-1),' ',
remainder asNumericString
result divModPair: 1000000000000 into: pair.
newResult := pair at: 1.
^(remainder := pair at: 2) ifZero:
answer,newResult asNumericString,' trillion'
] ifNotZero:
answer,newResult asNumericString,' trillion ',
remainder asNumericString
-- Dave Simmons [www.qks.com / www.smallscript.com]
"Effectively solving a problem begins with how you express it."