Re: Pharo 1.3 vs 1.2.1 some results for ConfigurationOfODBC - success

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Re: Pharo 1.3 vs 1.2.1 some results for ConfigurationOfODBC - success

Ben Coman

That works great. Thanks Mariano.  Since I got the file direct from you I have uploaded it to [2] in case it is of use to others.

I see the file you provide is "" has many more dlls than the file of the same name from INRIA>Files [1].    Is this a fix that can be added by a user to the released Pharo-1.3-13315, or otherwise be flagged to go into a possible Pharo-1.3.1 ? 

I was exploring the load sequence and it was interesting to discover that in a fresh image, after...
> Gofer new
> squeaksource: 'ODBC';
> package: 'ConfigurationOfODBC'; load.
> (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfODBC) load.

..."listLoadedModules" did not show odbc32.  This only appeared after executing...
> connection := ODBCConnection dsn: 'TestMDB' user: '' password: ''.

That is cool seeing the dynamic nature of plugin loading.  Now while you will already be aware of the difference between your supplied file [2] and the one from [1], for my own learning attempt it would seem from "SmalltalkImage current listLoadedModules" that the difference is...
SqueakFFIPrims VMMaker-oscog.54 (e)  working
SqueakFFIPrims VMMaker-oscog-IgorStasenko.123 (e) not working.
... and unfortunately there is no version information on odbc32.

A side comment for whoever maintains ConfigurationOfODBC... I wonder if this could be made to fail earlier - at the "(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfODBC) load" rather than waiting for the first attempt at a connection.  I think logically proving access to the external library should be part of the package load. This would help isolate such issues for users new to the package.  I notice that after a SaveAndExit and restart, the odbc plugin is no longer shown in "listLoadedModules" until dynamically reloaded on next use of "ODBCconnection".  This would remain the standard behaviour after proving access to the library for the first time during the package load.


cheers, Ben

Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:

On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 11:50 AM, Ben Coman <[hidden email]> wrote:
Thanks, but nothing is attached. 

Sorry, here it is.
Also, I'm not sure how to "make sure odbc libraries are findable by Windows."

odbc.dll and friends should be in a place where Windows search dlls. I think you won't have a problem since Windows usually puts such library in its correct place.
  Nothing is changed in the environment between running 1.2.1 and 1.3.

btw, I've been reading your blog on building the VM, and you indicated you would welcome feedback on english grammar.  Here in one and a typo...
   1. "as you can image" >> "as you can imagine"
   2. "wolrd" >> "world"

Thanks, I have just integrated them.
cheers, Ben

Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
Hi. Just as a test, would you like to test the attached VM?  change xxx with zip.
Just make sure odbc libraries are findable by Windows.


On Sun, Dec 11, 2011 at 6:45 AM, Ben Coman <[hidden email]> wrote:
Fadi Mansour wrote:

I'm having the same issue while trying to use ODBC with Pharo's OnClick
image 1.3.

Did you find anything about the issue here?



I've been offline while attending to a machine rebuild shutdown on a mine site.  I've only just got back today to start having a look at it again.

