Re: [Pharo-dev] [ANN] Libgit 1.0.0 in Pharo 9

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Re: [Pharo-dev] [ANN] Libgit 1.0.0 in Pharo 9

Libgit depends on PCRE. O_o

> On 13 Oct 2020, at 10:20, [hidden email] wrote:
> Hi Martin,
>   thanks for testing it. Can you tell me the version / flavour of
> Debian are you using?
> Maybe we need to ship PCRE with the VM. I am not fun of that, but we
> need to do it until we can have a proper packaging for each Linux
> distribution (Esteban is working on having a nice OBS configuration
> for the VM extending what Holger has previously done).
> It takes time and a lot of testing, but the idea is to fix (or at
> least control better) the dependency nightmare between different Linux
> distributions.
> Cheers,
> Pablo
> On Tue, Oct 13, 2020 at 7:49 AM Martin McClure <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Thanks, this is great news.
>> Are there instructions on how to make P9 actually use the new version of
>> libgit2? I see that the stable Linux VM for 9.0 does include
>> "" but Pharo is still loading
>> ...this may be because Pharo's has not-found
>> dependencies on and
>> I find Debian's versioning of libpcre somewhat confusing. The package
>> "libpcre3" is the *old* libraries, and new stuff is supposed to use
>> "pcre2." 2 is apparently newer than 3. At any rate PCRE library naming
>> is rather distro-specific, and although I have the right packages
>> installed, the libraries have different filenames.
>> But libgit2 is not supposed to have PCRE as a dependency. The source
>> code for PCRE is included in the source for libgit2. Seems like it would
>> be possible (and nice!) to compile the included with
>> the VM to include the PCRE code internally, rather than depend on an
>> external library.
>> Thanks,
>> -Martin
>> On 10/12/20 2:26 AM, [hidden email] wrote:
>>> Hi, a later announcement (this have been done some months ago... but I
>>> never send the mail).
>>> We have upgraded in Pharo 9 to use the latest stable version of Libgit.
>>> It required to have some improvements in Libgit to handle the updated
>>> version and also to support the previous version.
>>> From the point of view of new features, it does not add new things.
>>> However, this version fixes a lot of existing problems in Libgit.
>>> We can be sure this was a successful deployment as we don't have
>>> problems with it. We are really happy that this has been done
>>> transparently and keeping the working version with different
>>> configurations of images and VMs. As we should support new and old
>>> images, on the same VM. And also running new images in old VMs
>>> Thanks.
> --
> Pablo Tesone.
> [hidden email]