Interesting ... so I started guessing and searching a bit, guided
by the idea that the guy is more experienced with JavaScript than
with Smalltalk. What I found: In JavaScript there is an
(incredibly beautiful) unary plus operator performing a Number
cast on the object following. Being not shure that the value
returned from the configuration call would be an Integer, he or
she tried to cast it using the same unary operator, which did not
work out of the box in Pharo ;) but could be fixed with a 0 as
receiver. So I guess / think the intention behind was totally
different compared to what it looks like for us. It's not very
important here, but in general, guessing the effective intention
behind some weird code you have to fix - that's the really hard
part, but might save you a lot of time!
Message: 3
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2018 21:47:59 +0100
From: Stephane Ducasse [hidden email]
To: Pharo Development List [hidden email]
Subject: [Pharo-dev] Coding pearl of the day
[hidden email]
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
when cleaning a system sometimes you find some coding pearls.
And I want to share one I found.
currentSlide := 0 + self configuration slideInTemplateForDeckJS.
Stef (we got a good laugh with guille).