Re: [Pharo-project] 1.3, PBE and lab setups

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Re: [Pharo-project] 1.3, PBE and lab setups

2011/12/15 Dave Mason <[hidden email]>:

> I am trying to get our local admins to set up labs so students can use the
> latest Pharo.
> Currently we have 1.2 and PBE .image files and by removing the field in the
> INI file that specified the image, if you clicked on Pharo, you'd get a
> dialogue asking which image you wanted.  All of these are on read-only
> mounts, so if you want to save to the image, you need to copy the image to
> your home directory and then you could navigate to that image file on
> startup.  Dropping an image on the executable works fine, though.
> Additionally, the PBE book doesn't play well with 1.3 (things that the book
> says die when you try them).  Apparently you can't open the PBE image from
> the 1.3 binary without it crashing, either.
> So I have 3 questions:
> 1) is 1.3 the system to use, or will 1.4 be stable soon?
> 2) is the PBE book getting updated to work with a vanilla 1.3/1.4 image?

There is no plan at the moment to do that, but you could help adapt
the Pharo Book to the new images.
All the contents of the book is here:

Maybe we can have branches for each version of Pharo ? pharo1.2,
pharo1.3, etc ...

Serge Stinckwich
UMI UMMISCO 209 (IRD/UPMC), Hanoi, Vietnam
Matsuno Laboratory, Kyoto University, Japan (until 12/2011)
Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk

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Re: [Pharo-project] 1.3, PBE and lab setups

stephane ducasse

On Dec 15, 2011, at 2:24 AM, Serge Stinckwich wrote:

> 2011/12/15 Dave Mason <[hidden email]>:
>> I am trying to get our local admins to set up labs so students can use the
>> latest Pharo.
>> Currently we have 1.2 and PBE .image files and by removing the field in the
>> INI file that specified the image, if you clicked on Pharo, you'd get a
>> dialogue asking which image you wanted.  All of these are on read-only
>> mounts, so if you want to save to the image, you need to copy the image to
>> your home directory and then you could navigate to that image file on
>> startup.  Dropping an image on the executable works fine, though.
>> Additionally, the PBE book doesn't play well with 1.3 (things that the book
>> says die when you try them).  Apparently you can't open the PBE image from
>> the 1.3 binary without it crashing, either.
>> So I have 3 questions:
>> 1) is 1.3 the system to use, or will 1.4 be stable soon?
>> 2) is the PBE book getting updated to work with a vanilla 1.3/1.4 image?
> There is no plan at the moment to do that, but you could help adapt
> the Pharo Book to the new images.
> All the contents of the book is here:
> Maybe we can have branches for each version of Pharo ? pharo1.2,
> pharo1.3, etc …

yes this would be really good to have a branch


> Regards,
> --
> Serge Stinckwich
> UMI UMMISCO 209 (IRD/UPMC), Hanoi, Vietnam
> Matsuno Laboratory, Kyoto University, Japan (until 12/2011)
> Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk
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> Sbe-discussion mailing list
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Re: [Pharo-project] 1.3, PBE and lab setups

Oscar Nierstrasz

Sure, that would be great, but please be aware that you must also check that the examples (and tests) work as advertised.

If someone wants to do this please contact me, and I can give some advice and help ...


On 15 Dec 2011, at 08:48, stephane ducasse wrote:

> On Dec 15, 2011, at 2:24 AM, Serge Stinckwich wrote:
>> 2011/12/15 Dave Mason <[hidden email]>:
>>> I am trying to get our local admins to set up labs so students can use the
>>> latest Pharo.
>>> Currently we have 1.2 and PBE .image files and by removing the field in the
>>> INI file that specified the image, if you clicked on Pharo, you'd get a
>>> dialogue asking which image you wanted.  All of these are on read-only
>>> mounts, so if you want to save to the image, you need to copy the image to
>>> your home directory and then you could navigate to that image file on
>>> startup.  Dropping an image on the executable works fine, though.
>>> Additionally, the PBE book doesn't play well with 1.3 (things that the book
>>> says die when you try them).  Apparently you can't open the PBE image from
>>> the 1.3 binary without it crashing, either.
>>> So I have 3 questions:
>>> 1) is 1.3 the system to use, or will 1.4 be stable soon?
>>> 2) is the PBE book getting updated to work with a vanilla 1.3/1.4 image?
>> There is no plan at the moment to do that, but you could help adapt
>> the Pharo Book to the new images.
>> All the contents of the book is here:
>> Maybe we can have branches for each version of Pharo ? pharo1.2,
>> pharo1.3, etc …
> yes this would be really good to have a branch
> Stef
>> Regards,
>> --
>> Serge Stinckwich
>> UMI UMMISCO 209 (IRD/UPMC), Hanoi, Vietnam
>> Matsuno Laboratory, Kyoto University, Japan (until 12/2011)
>> Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk
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>> Sbe-discussion mailing list
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