Hi, now that Pharo 1.2.1. is available on the website I've also updated the Win32 Setup. You can grab it here: https://gforge.inria.fr/frs/download.php/28467/setup_pharo1.2.1-12345-release11.04.06.exe Compared to the one click (26MB) this download is only 13MB in size and provides better windows integration. So if you are on Windows you can use this Whats new: ========== - Pharo 1.2.1.#12345 is included - Cog VM is included (CogVM VM.r2378) with a custom CogVM/Pharo icon Maybe Adrian is able to change: http://www.pharo-project.org/pharo-download to point to the new executable. Thx T. -- GMX DSL Doppel-Flat ab 19,99 Euro/mtl.! Jetzt mit gratis Handy-Flat! http://portal.gmx.net/de/go/dsl