Re: Pharo-project Digest, Vol 27, Issue 118

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Re: Pharo-project Digest, Vol 27, Issue 118

Larry Gadallah
On 19 July 2010 12:16,  <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Message: 6
> Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2010 21:15:54 +0200
> From: Norbert Hartl <[hidden email]>
> Subject: Re: [Pharo-project] XML Demarshalling
> To: [hidden email]
> Message-ID: <[hidden email]>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> On 16.07.2010, at 18:46, Larry Gadallah wrote:
>> Hi all:
>> I am a noob searching for an example of how to demarshall a set of
>> simple and complex XML nodes into an object using Pastell or something
>> similar. I have found many examples of how to pick out all of the
>> elements of a certain type into a collection, but I'm trying to grab
>> the data from a mixed collection of (~20) elements that are children
>> of a particular element type and unpack them into an object.
>> Does anyone know of some good examples of how to do this using Pastell
>> or something similar?
> Can you give more detailled information about how the XML maps onto the data model? I mean if you have childr elements will that map to objects that are referenced similar? Do attributes map to variables and such? Or do you want to freely define how the structure of the XML resembles into your objects?
> Norbert

Hi Norbert:

Alas, I am laboring under the burden of being a newbie to both Pharo
and XML. It seems to me that it would be better to be able to
dynamically pick up all of the child elements of an element of
interest, however, I can't imagine how to define an object that
doesn't know it's own contents until run-time. In addition, in my
case, some of the child elements are complex (i.e. they also contain
children) which complicates the traversal a little bit. I'm assuming
for now that I will have to read the source XML, define the instance
variables of my object based on them, and simply populate them at run
time by traversing the XML tree. If the XML model changes, the object
definition will have to change too.

Larry Gadallah, VE6VQ/W7                          lgadallah AT gmail DOT com
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Re: Pharo-project Digest, Vol 27, Issue 118


On 20.07.2010, at 19:15, Larry Gadallah wrote:

> On 19 July 2010 12:16,  <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Message: 6
>> Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2010 21:15:54 +0200
>> From: Norbert Hartl <[hidden email]>
>> Subject: Re: [Pharo-project] XML Demarshalling
>> To: [hidden email]
>> Message-ID: <[hidden email]>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>> On 16.07.2010, at 18:46, Larry Gadallah wrote:
>>> Hi all:
>>> I am a noob searching for an example of how to demarshall a set of
>>> simple and complex XML nodes into an object using Pastell or something
>>> similar. I have found many examples of how to pick out all of the
>>> elements of a certain type into a collection, but I'm trying to grab
>>> the data from a mixed collection of (~20) elements that are children
>>> of a particular element type and unpack them into an object.
>>> Does anyone know of some good examples of how to do this using Pastell
>>> or something similar?
>> Can you give more detailled information about how the XML maps onto the data model? I mean if you have childr elements will that map to objects that are referenced similar? Do attributes map to variables and such? Or do you want to freely define how the structure of the XML resembles into your objects?
>> Norbert
> Hi Norbert:
> Alas, I am laboring under the burden of being a newbie to both Pharo
> and XML. It seems to me that it would be better to be able to
> dynamically pick up all of the child elements of an element of
> interest, however, I can't imagine how to define an object that
> doesn't know it's own contents until run-time. In addition, in my
> case, some of the child elements are complex (i.e. they also contain
> children) which complicates the traversal a little bit. I'm assuming
> for now that I will have to read the source XML, define the instance
> variables of my object based on them, and simply populate them at run
> time by traversing the XML tree. If the XML model changes, the object
> definition will have to change too.
Hi again,

just yesterday I discovered that I have a similar problem to solve. Usually I would try to solve it with magritte but this time I need some quick and dirty hack to achieve the goal. And somehow I like Pastell.

Let's take an XML Snippet

        <Name>Mister RootNode</Name>
                <Name>Mister SubNode</Name>

And now let's assume you want everything under Root in an object of class RootClass. In the case of SubNode you want a new object from class SubNodeClass that is referenced from RootClass object. In this example both classes RootClass and SubNodeClass are subclasses of NodeBaseClass

NodeBaseClass class>>node: aNode
        ^ self new
                node: aNode

        ^ node

NodeBaseClass>>node: aNode
        node := aNode

NodeBaseClass>>at: aSymbol
        ^ (self class xmodel at: aSymbol) value: self node

Here is the RootClass:

RootClass class>>xmodel
        ^ Dictionary new;
                at: #name put: [:node|  (node / #Name ) contentString  ];
                at: #subObject put: [:node| SubNodeClass node: (node / #SubNode) first ];

and another class that is referenced from RootClass. Btw. "(node / #Name)" is using Pastell

SubNodeClass class>>xmodel
        ^ Dictionary new;
                at: #name put: [:node|  (node / #Name ) contentString  ];

Then you could do:

document := XMLDOMParser parse....
rootObject := RootClass node: document root.
Transcript show: ((rootObject at: #subObject) at: #name

and you should get "Mister SubNode" . I hope there aren't too much errors in there. The basic idea is that every object gets an XML node and a description how to retrieve the values relative to this node. In the case of #name just a string is received. In the case of #subObject you can see how this gets recursive. #subObject returns itself an object that is just initialized with an XML node. Just like the rootObject

This is just a quick way to get some objects from an XML file. There is much room for improvement. I just wanted to give you an idea how you could solve it.

Hope this helps,

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