Re: [Pharo-project] [squeak-dev] Cuis problem with blocks

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Re: [Pharo-project] [squeak-dev] Cuis problem with blocks

Eliot Miranda-2

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 4:33 AM, Juan Vuletich <[hidden email]> wrote:
Thanks, Nicolas. You're right. I did include the preference in Cuis. By default it is set not to allow assignment to block args. I recompiled the whole system this way, removing any block arg assgnment left. I see no reason to allow them, but the preference is there if someone needs it.

Agreed.  I put in the preference for cases such as loading packages containing assignments to block temps.  Without the preference it is additional work to load the package (unpacking the .mcz by hand and editing the source file).  Once the package is loaded one can hunt down and rewrite those assignments.  But how does one find them other than by resetting the preference and recompiling the package?  And how does one find block argument assignments lurking in unpackaged code save recompiling the entire system?  One abuses MessageNotUnderstood, that's how.  Here's a hack implementation of SystemNavigation allBlockArgumentAssignations.  It has just found 35 such abominations in my development image (shock, horror).  Change set attached.  Code in all its syntax coloured glory below.  Enjoy.

SystemNavigation methods for query 
"Answer all methods containing an assignment to a block argument." 
"SystemNavigation default 
                 browseMessageList: SystemNavigation default allBlockArgumentAssignations asSortedCollection 
                 name: 'Assignments to block arguments'"
^self allMethodsSelect: 
m| | d assignsToBlockArg scanner | 
assignsToBlockArg := false
(d := m blockpcsToBlockExtents) size >= 2 ifTrue: 
[scanner := InstructionStream on: m
d keysDo: 
[:interval| | nArgs | 
(interval first ~= m initialPC 
and: [(nArgs := m argumentCountForBlockAtPC: interval first) > 0]) ifTrue: 
[scanner pc: interval first
[scanner pc <= interval last] whileTrue: 
[[scanner interpretNextInstructionFor: nil] 
on: MessageNotUnderstood 
do: [:ex| 
storeIntoTemporaryVariable:includes: ex message selector) 
and: [ex message arguments first + 1 <= nArgs]) ifTrue: 
[assignsToBlockArg := true]]]]]]

CompiledMethod methods for debugger support 
"Answer the argument count of the block whose first bytecode is startpc." 
self pcPreviousTo: blockStartPCifNotNil: 
[(InstructionStream on: self) 
pc: closureCreationPC
interpretNextInstructionFor: nil] 
on: MessageNotUnderstood 
do: [:ex| 
ex message selector == #pushClosureCopyNumCopiedValues:numArgs:blockSize: ifTrue: 
[^ex message arguments at: 2]]]. 
self error: 'pc is not a block start pc' 

"Answer a Dictionary of (Interval from startpc to lastpc) to (Interval of blockExtent), 
         for the method and any blocks within it, using the identical numbering scheme described 
         in and orchestrated by BlockNode>>analyseArguments:temporaries:rootNode:. 
         This is a variation on startpcsToBlockExtents whcih only answers startpc to interval."
| index |
index := 0
blockRangesAndExtentsInto: Dictionary new 
from: self initialPC 
to: self endPC 
scanner: (InstructionStream on: self
numberer: [| value | value := indexindex := index + 2value

aDictionary from: initialPC to: endPC scanner: scanner numberer: numbererBlock 
"Support routine for blockpcsToBlockExtents" 
| extentStart blockSizeOrLocator | 
self flag: 'belongs in DebuggerMethodMap'
extentStart := numbererBlock value
scanner pc <= endPCwhileTrue: 
blockSizeOrLocator := scanner interpretNextInstructionFor: BlockStartLocator new
blockSizeOrLocator isInteger ifTrue: 
blockRangesAndExtentsInto: aDictionary 
from: scanner pc 
to: scanner pc + blockSizeOrLocator - 1 
scanner: scanner 
numberer: numbererBlock]]. 
aDictionary at: (initialPC to: endPCput: (extentStart to: numbererBlock value). 

p.s. its my birthday today.  I should be doing something useful but this was too much fun, my present to myself.

Juan Vuletich

Nicolas Cellier wrote:
Writing to block arguments is considered bad practice.
In most Smalltalk (all?), you cannot write method arguments.
Since blocks are proper closures (introduced in Cuis 2.0) same rule
now apply to block arguments.
In squeak trunk, this behavior is driven by a Preferences, you can ask
Juan if he applied same policy in Cuis.

Anyway, [:sum :ea | sum := sum + ea] is completely useless since the
variable sum cease to exist once the block closure finish execution.
It has exactly same effect as [:sum :ea | sum + ea].

This pattern was the result of some bad understanding of block return
value and particularly the way inject:into: works, even in the
pre-closure world.



2010/1/21 Phil (list) <[hidden email]>:
I'm attempting to get some code running on Cuis 2.0 and am having a problem
with some pretty simple blocks like:

[:sum :ea | sum := sum + ea] value: 1 value: 2.

resulting in an error:

[:sum :ea |  Cannot store into ->sum := sum + ea] value: 1 value: 2.

However, this example works without a problem in both 3.10.2 as well as 3.7.
 Any idea what's going on?



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