Hello Cami :
Thank you for your suggestion.
I've already attempted the approach suggested at the URL quoted.
The "getInstaller" script doesn't work for me. So, of course, the original script still doesn't work.
However, this time I tried using Gofer to reinstall Metacello. (I couldn't find any reference to it in my image). That worked.
Gofer new
squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
package: 'ConfigurationOfMetacello';
(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfMetacello) perform: #loadLatestVersion.
So I tried this :
Gofer new
squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
package: 'ConfigurationOfDesigner';
(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfDesigner) perform: #loadLatestVersion.
Error :
ConfigurationOfDesigner class object > doesnotunderstand #loadLatestVersion
What now? I have Pharo 1.4. Should I try this with 2.0?
Regards : Hubert Wagner
On 27 sept. 2012, at 18:41,
[hidden email] wrote:
>> I'd like to experiment with Designer but cannot work out how to load the package and open in Pharo.
> Looks like this project was built for Squeak (see Environment on the right side of the website).
> Follow the instruction in this thread to install it in pharo
> You can try it out in a newer version of pharo but no guarantee it will work :)