Re: [Pharo-users] Gemstone as a service?

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Re: [Pharo-users] Gemstone as a service?

My ESUG presentation (based on recent screencasts at culminated with a live hands-on opportunity for people to connect to a cloud-hosted GemStone/S 64 Bit 3.4.2 server. As I expected, the question came up of future prospects for a real GaaS offering. So far I’m not aware of anyone with official plans in this space, but I’m personally interested in exploring the idea. 

Two questions arise from the point-of-view of any potential provider: (1) what is the demand; and (2) what would it look like from an operational perspective. So, in order to better answer those questions I’d like to get in touch with people who would like to try out a GaaS solution. If I provide a dev/test environment for 45 days, will you will give me feedback? If you are interested, please respond privately with (a) your GemStone/S version (preferably 3.4.2), (b) the size of your repository (preferable less than 32 GB, ideally 8 GB or less), (c) what client IDE you use to interact with GemStone, and (d) a sorted list of preferred/acceptable server locations (from Amsterdam, Frankfurt, London, New York, San Francisco, and Toronto). 



On Aug 18, 2018, at 6:11 PM, Andy Burnett <[hidden email]> wrote:

I was wondering if anyone offers GaaS? I would love to be able to just focus on writing code, and leave the system management to others. Gemstone does seem to offer a very complete package.

Also, does anyone know what's happening with Pharocloud? The site is still running, but it seems to be very quiet.


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