actually, the SDL plugin is not being included because until now it was not necessary.
There is a difference between the SDL2 dependent functions and the plugin. The plugin provides just two functions: /** * Called by the VM heartbeat if installed, to check for the presence of events. */ static void ioCheckForEvents() { if (inited) { SDL_PumpEvents(); if (SDL_HasEvents(SDL_FIRSTEVENT, SDL_LASTEVENT)) { interpreterProxy->signalSemaphoreWithIndex(inputSemaphoreIndex); } } } void setSDL2InputSemaphoreIndex(int semaIndex) { inited = 1; inputSemaphoreIndex = semaIndex; setIoProcessEventsHandler(&ioCheckForEvents); } and they are used to replace the event handling the world uses… something that you cannot do at this moment because I did not integrate that chunk yet :) So you should not need it… for now. Esteban ps: btw… this kind of questions are not for regular users but for pharo developers (because you are playing with something that is or will be part of pharo it self), so I’m redirecting this question there.
I can add them to the vm compilation.
Adding it to the TODO…
Esteban ps: again, pharo-dev :)
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