On Sat, Jun 9, 2012 at 9:58 PM, Cameron Sanders <[hidden email]> wrote:
what is *exactly* what does not work? otherwise we cannot guess.
I don't use Seaside. Why don't you provide the whole gofer script you use to install those 3 tools so that someone can reproduce it?
I attach the Pharo development mailing list.
Me, Guillermo Polito, Esteban Lorenzano and many others.
We didn't receive any email from you. Yuo should register in this google group: http://groups.google.com/group/dbxtalk/?pli=1
Excellent!!! :) Thanks. Can you send us the changes or directly commit?
Mariano http://marianopeck.wordpress.com |
On Sat, Jun 9, 2012 at 11:05 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]> wrote:
Actually, nabble forum is kind of read only. If you post in there, the messages are not forwarded to the mailing list. Here are other links of interesting resources: http://dbxtalk.smallworks.com.ar/Support/?_s=sl3ptC0z84u54Hyk&_k=y49B2OsTLCs73vFK&_n&6
The messages will be forwarded if you are subscribed to the underlying list. Join the DBXTalk group at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/dbxtalk and you will be able to post through either google or nabble. Sean
Sean |
In reply to this post by Guillermo Polito
Like Object instance>>#description, which prevents asComponent from working, in the currently configured 1.4 image I am working with. If I change the behavior there, I run into other problems. Other problems in other images with different load orders. I was not expecting anyone to guess. I was just wondering whether anyone has actually made them all work together or not. If not, then I do not have time to be the one to battle through it. Same old story: I simply do not have time. - I will go through the load process again, keeping it minimal, and provide the scripts (workspace contents) back on this list.
Sure, I would rather not commit them without someone else reviewing them. Does the {} array notation work in any flavors of smalltalk other than Pharo? Thanks, I will get back to you... after I go through this process again. -Cam |
In reply to this post by Mariano Martinez Peck
Band-aide approach... DBXMagritteWriterVisitor>>writeDescription: aMADescription onClass: aClass | properties descriptionMethod classes | properties := '; ' join: (aMADescription properties associations collect: [ :assoc | '{1}: {2}' format: {(assoc key). "assoc value printString" ((assoc value isKindOf: Array) ifTrue: ['{', ('. ' join: assoc value ), '}' ] ifFalse: [ assoc value printString ])} ]). ... - <clipped> Mine is a horrible solution. Given that there are blocks in the conditions loops, the traditional array notation, #( ... ), will not work anyway, so the curly-brace approach is fine. I played around with #respondsTo: and tried to generalize, but hit problems because the value is often a symbol or string. so in the end, to get my classes generated, I just did the above quick-n-dirty patch. The only other changes I have gone ahead and made were to make certain that more methods of DBXEntity return the newly created attribute/entity, so that I could say something like the following: (e hasOne: #DpAddress as: #mailingAddress) label: 'Mailing Address'; priority: 400. So all of the #hasOne:as:, #hasMany:as:, etc. .... Oops... looks like late last night, when I was updating packages to see if i was missing anything, I lost my changes to those methods! There were only 4 or 5 such changes, and they were trivial. Cheers. I like the DBXTalk approach. And Magritte too. In the two major projects I worked on over the years, and even on a couple of small side projects, I/we ended up using meta-language tools to add runtime behavior; and the starting code for new objects, at least in the one big project, was generated from a short-hand table of the meta-language specs. Very powerful. And lazy people like me are drawn to such things. Nice work guys! Cam |
After yet another search of the forums, this time I think I struck gold: I found this tidbit...
Gofer new renggli: 'magritte3'; package: 'Magritte-Model'; package: 'Magritte-Pharo-Model'; package: 'Magritte-Seaside'; package: 'Magritte-Pharo-Seaside'; package: 'Magritte-Morph'; package: 'Magritte-Tests-Model'; package: 'Magritte-Tests-Pharo-Model'; load. Doing that, it looks like there is sanity in the asComponent method. I am testing it now. (It as a March posting...) -cam
In my quest to get more than one tool working in one image, I built another image. This time I started with a Pier download (today, June 10, 2012) one-click image, and simply attempted load the DBXTalk. Reading straight from the DBXTalk Documentation page (http://dbxtalk.smallworks.com.ar/Documentation). See below.
The Pier-based image did not mask the problems I was having in the Pharo1.4 w/Zinc based image, and so I was able to debug the problems related to #asComponent, so that #asComponent works on DBXTalk built classes. Hence the changes to DBXTalk of the former post. However, when the changes are put into my Pharo1.4/zinc/DBXTalk/seaside image, still, nothing is rendered for the "... asComponent addValidatedForm" -- at least I can move forward with my interfaces by using the Pier image. Unfortunately, Fuel does not work in this Pier based image, so I still have the situation where different images allow me to do different combinations, but not one that allows me to operate my application completely. (Maybe if i put my head in the sand the problems will go away... ?) -Cam - The loading script for DBXTalk -
Gofer it squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository'; package: 'ConfigurationOfOpenDBXDriver'; load. (((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfOpenDBXDriver) perform: #project) perform: #version: with: #stable) load. Gofer it squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository'; package: 'ConfigurationOfGlorpDBX'; load. (((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfGlorpDBX) perform: #project) perform: #version: with: #stable) load. "If you want to use the PostgreSQL smalltalk native driver, you can execute instead:" "(((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfGlorpDBX) perform: #project) perform: #version: with: #stable) load: 'GlorpPostgresV2Native'." Gofer it squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository'; package: 'ConfigurationOfDBXTools'; load. (((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfDBXTools) perform: #project) perform: #version: with: #stable) load: 'Phoseydon'. "BUT... this err'd so then I manually pulled in most of the DBXTalk packages via monticello. " Gofer it squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository'; package: 'ConfigurationOfDBXTools'; load. (((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfDBXTools) perform: #project) perform: #version: with: #stable) load: 'Neptuno' |
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