Re: [Pharo-users] saving text files from inspector

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Re: [Pharo-users] saving text files from inspector

Nicolai Hess

2015-07-24 22:44 GMT+02:00 Tudor Girba <[hidden email]>:
The problem is that if you have a larger text file (let's say 100Mb), Rubric still takes too long to open. Thus, we cannot show the whole file, and because of that, we also cannot provide complete editing options. This will change with TxText.

This is not the first post I read about : "... this will change/ will be much better / will be solved with / .... TxText!

But considering there is not much developing now for TxText (is it already finished?), we don't even have someone maintaining the bugreport/fixes for the TxText repository....
 How will that work?
 What is the state of TxText, is it ready,
 what are the next steps and
 who is maintaining it ?

People now working on RubText,  changed / fixed / cleanup the SHRBTextStyler. I am afraid we waste yet again resources we don't have.
Doesn't Rubric has a different text model ? How will it work with TxText?

TxText has its own styler again, again another one.
Whats the plan. We have TxTextStyler and  3 different other stylers,
which one to use?

And there are many classes in TxText (and Athens-Text) for which I don't know
1. Are they supposed to be used or
2. only test classes
3. Are they finished ?
4. Work in progress ?
5. proof of concept ?

Or, maybe there is some work going on out of public - do I miss something?
