Re: Pharo3: Update 700

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Re: Pharo3: Update 700

Marcus Denker-4

On 16 Jan 2014, at 10:37, Marcus Denker <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi,
> Pharo3 just got it's 700th update. This is a record for any Pharo release yet
> (Pharo2 was released with just below 600 updates).
> Every update contains the code of 1-5 issues from the issue tracker. Fixes,
> improvements, but even completely new subsystems. So the number does
> not work at all as a metric ;-)
> On the issue tracker, we have 1930 closed issues tagged for Pharo3,
> but many more where evaluated and closed without that tag (e.g. concerning infrastructure).
> 68 cases where resolved the last 7 days alone (!!).
> In the issue tracker, we have still 51 issues for Pharo3 that are rated
> "must fix" or higher, but with the speed of bug fixing we see, we are
> very much on the road to have a very stable release in March.
> The issue tracker is at