Re: Planet squeak and friends

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Re: Planet squeak and friends

Stephane Ducasse-3
Please remove

Bruce you should not be sad. Pharo is getting cooler and cooler
the community is growing. Pharoers are delivering amazing tools and frameworks.
And it will continue because we are just all pushing in the same direction.
Because Pharo is Yours.
You can have an impact and help us making it even better.


On Sun, Jun 25, 2017 at 4:54 PM, Bruce O'Neel <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi,
> This now seems to work though there are a few points:
> * gives me a 502, but,
> works fine.  Could someone look into this please?
> * I have renamed any site that still responds but has not been updated in
> 2017 to Historical - site name.  There are sadly only 6 sites NOT marked
> historical and 16 marked historical.  Surely there are some other
> squeak/pharo/?? blogs, right?  If so, please send them to me!
> * In a few weeks most of the historical sites will disapear.
> * I've not looked hard at any other than
> * had no sites.  Should we keep it?
> * As sad as I might be about it, croquet seems to have passed on.  Should I
> just get rid of planetcroquet?
> Thanks.  And thanks for the responses before.  I'll implement them, don't
> worry.
> cheers
> bruce

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Re: Planet squeak and friends

Bruce O'Neel-2

Thanks, I'll move it to longer than 6 months.  I was trying to follow Stephane's idea of nothing out of date :-)

I'd love to add

but the RSS feed does not work.  Could someone go kick it so that it works please?



26 June 2017 05:11 Ben Coman <[hidden email]> wrote:
Thanks Bruce for taking this on.

On Sun, Jun 25, 2017 at 10:54 PM, Bruce O'Neel <[hidden email]> wrote:

This now seems to work though there are a few points:

* gives me a 502, but, works fine.  Could someone look into this please?

* I have renamed any site that still responds but has not been updated in 2017 to Historical - site name.  There are sadly only 6 sites NOT marked historical and 16 marked historical.  Surely there are some other squeak/pharo/?? blogs, right?  If so, please send them to me!

Six months seems a really short history.  I have my next post 90% done and planning to publish in a few weeks.
Can we not cater for people that post irregularly?   Prior to my 2016 stint of posts, my next previous post was 2012.  Sean's last post still seems relevant.  I propose the general historical filter be two years.   Or do we just want frequent authors?  

Also, the Squeak Oversight Board should probably be kept proforma, even if announcements are infrequent.  

2016.09 - Ben Coman
2015.03 - Sean DeNigris
2015.01 - Squeak Oversight Board

2014.09 - Steve Wessels 
2014.08 - Bert Freudenberg
2014.08 - Julian Fitzell
2012.04 - Michael Van der Gulik
2012.04 - Bernhard Pieber
2011.09 - Andreas Raab
2011.03 - SqueakNOS
2011.02 - Ian Trudel
2010.10 - Ramon Leon
2010.10 - Squeakland

2010.02 - Milan Zimmermann
2009.08 - Summer of Squeak
2009.06 - Darius
2006.04 - Suslov Nikolay


* In a few weeks most of the historical sites will disapear.  

Can they be moved to a "Historical" section of the sidebar (like "See also"), 
so as to not totally lose track of historical characters?
Or is that not suitable for an aggregation site?

* I've not looked hard at any other than

* had no sites.  Should we keep it?

* As sad as I might be about it, croquet seems to have passed on.  Should I just get rid of planetcroquet?

Thanks.  And thanks for the responses before.  I'll implement them, don't worry.

A few more here...

2017.06 - Tudor Girba, Humane assessment (
2017.06 - Torsten Bergmann, The Hitchhiker's Guide to ... (
2017.06 - Hernan Morales biosmalltalk (
2017.06 - Ecole des Mines, Components, Agents, and Robots (
2017.05 - Pierce Ng, Smalltalk programming for the web (
2017.03 - Clement Bera, Tips 'n Tricks (
2017.02 - Eliot Miranda, Cog Blog (
2016.08 - Yuriy Tymchuk, Uko on Code and Sleepy Coders (
2016.06 - Hernan Morales, 80738163270632 (

2015.03 - Mariano Martinez Peck, Sending messages (
2015.02 - S. Krish, Skrishnamachari’s Weblog (
2015.02 - Mark Rizun, Coding is Fun (
2014.05 - Yuriy Tymchuk, Sleepy Coders (
2014.02 - Philippe Back, The Philippe Back Report (
2013.09 - Laurent Laffont, MaGaLoMa (
2013.09 - Guille Polito, Playing with Objects (
2012.06 - Igor Stasenko, Computer Adventures (
502 BAD GATEWAY Esteban Lorenzano, The Martian Chronicles (

2017.06 - Sven Van Caekenberghe (
2017.05 - Denis Kudriashov (

cheers -ben