Hello All
Just a follow-up to this query posted three weeks ago. I was e-mailed a week ago by Monty telling me about an alternative approach to my problem:
“Hi Peter. I'm writing you because of your post on the Pharo users list two weeks ago on problems with Todd Blanchard's HTML/CSS parser and ZnUrl.
I'm a maintainer of PharoExtras/XMLParser on SmalltalkHub, and you may not know, but there's an optional HTML parsing add-on in the repo, ConfigurationOfXMLParserHTML. This loads two other parsers, SAXHTMLHandler (SAX) and XMLHTMLParser (DOM, probably the one you want), that convert malformed HTML to well-formed XML.
[remainder clipped]”
I was a bit unsure about this, partly because I am not very familiar with XML, partly because it seemed perverse to change the representation just to analyse the DOM. However, now I have looked into it more it seems very sensible; the manipulation of the XML version of the DOM is much easier. So I have decided to discontinue using the Blanchard parser and switch to XMLHTMLParser, which has the additional advantage of being actively maintained.
The moral is that it is always worth posting questions here. There are many people watching, and there is the chance of a bit of lateral thinking.
Posted here also because my attempts to e-mail Monty directly have failed, so thanks again Monty.
Peter Kenny
From: PBKResearch [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: 10 January 2015 10:41
To: '[hidden email]'
Subject: Problem due to deprecation of class Url in Pharo 3 and Moose 5.0
I have run into a problem in moving some existing work from earlier versions of Pharo/Moose. I have found a work around, but I wonder if there is a tidier way of handling it.
I make frequent use of Todd Blanchard’s HTML parser and validator, HTMCSS (http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~ToddBlanchard/HTMCSSValidatingParser), which was originally written for Squeak but has performed without trouble on earlier versions of Pharo. When I try to use it on Moose 5.0, I get frequent warning messages about Url being deprecated. I have made the problem go away by commenting out the deprecation warning in Url class>>new, but I wonder what should be done on a more permanent basis.
Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions.
Peter Kenny