Re: Re: Re: [Seaside] How do I use JQuery with Javascript variable

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Re: Re: Re: [Seaside] How do I use JQuery with Javascript variable

Johan, I did some research and with help of a co-worker detected the cause of themalfunction. Now it works! A string containing the javascript can be generated inSmalltalk using apostrophes repeated. As for quotes no problem. The code to render the radio buttons was using group, which prevented the "values" ​​were rendered. I made a version that worked obstrusive. See below:

renderContentOn: html
form: [ 
div: [ 
(html label)
for: #radioYes;
with: 'What is your answer?'.
(html radioButton)
id: #radioYes;
name: #someRadioGroup;
selected: true;
value: 'yes';
with: 'Yes'.
(html radioButton)
id: #radioNo;
name: #someRadioGroup;
value: 'no';
with: 'No'.
(html radioButton)
id: #radioMaybe;
name: #someRadioGroup;
value: 'maybe';
with: 'Maybe'.
(html radioButton)
id: #radioConfused;
name: #someRadioGroup;
value: 'confused';
with: 'I dunno' ].
div: [ 
(html button)
type: #button;
id: #testButton;
class: #green90x24;
'var checkedValue = $(''[name="someRadioGroup"]:radio:checked'').val();
$(''#result'').html(''The radio element with value <tt>''+ checkedValue +''</tt> is checked.'');';
with: 'Which?' ].
html div id: #result ]

Then I had the idea of ​​making a non-obstrusive, which also worked. See below: 
renderContentOn: html 
html document
addLoadScript: ((html jQuery: #testButton)
onClick: 'var checkedValue = $(''[name="someRadioGroup"]:radio:checked'').val();
$(''#result'').html(''The radio element with value <tt>''+ checkedValue +''</tt> is checked.'');').
form: [html
div: [html label for: #radioYes;
with: 'What is your answer?'.
html radioButton id: #radioYes;
name: #someRadioGroup;
selected: true;
value: 'yes';
with: 'Yes'.
html radioButton id: #radioNo;
name: #someRadioGroup;
value: 'no';
with: 'No'.
html radioButton id: #radioMaybe;
name: #someRadioGroup;
value: 'maybe';
with: 'Maybe'.
html radioButton id: #radioConfused;
name: #someRadioGroup;
value: 'confused';
with: 'I dunno'].
div: [html button type: #button;
id: #testButton;
class: #green90x24;
with: 'Which?'].
html div id: #result]

The version below to render the radio buttons do not work because the "group" that prevents the "values" are rendered:

radioGroup: [:group | 
html radioButton id: #radioYes;
group: group;
name: #someRadioGroup;
value: #yes;
selected: true;
with: 'Yes'.
html radioButton id: #radioNo;
group: group;
name: #someRadioGroup;
value: #no;
with: 'No'.
html radioButton id: #radioMaybe;
group: group;
name: #someRadioGroup;
value: #maybe;
with: 'Maybe'.
html radioButton id: #radioConfused;
group: group;
name: #someRadioGroup;
value: #confused;
with: 'I dunno']].

Thanks for your attention that helped me in solving the problem.

Francisco Ary Martins
"A filosofia não é senão uma poesia sofisticada."

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