Ian Upright <
[hidden email]> wrote on comp.lang.smalltalk:
>I can see it as a definite disadvantage, if all you are doing is simply
>making straight C calls and SWIG is not generating any interesting C or
>Smalltalk code for you at all. Even for pure wrappering, SWIG does generate
>some handy code that DLLCC doesn't, like providing additional support for
>booleans, null terminated strings, etc. It is more flexible in controling
>the names of the methods, instead of just (myfunc:with:with:with) etc..
>Also, using typemaps for more exotic and complex cases is obviously
>impossible with DLLCC.
>If you're using SWIG to generate accessors for structures, accessing C++
>code, etc.. you need to generate a wrapper. If you're not doing this, it
>seems to be a deficiency with SWIG in general. It would be interesting if
>we could detect or control this situation, and in this case somehow emit
>code that binds directly to the target C library instead of generating a
>wrapper, where it's not needed/required. I don't think anybody has
>extended/hacked SWIG to do this for any language, but I think it might be
Just a further comment on this, for anyone who is interested.. I had a look
at the SWIG Smalltalk module, and while it's unconventional in the SWIG
world, it looks like I can add a feature, whereby instead of creating a
wrapper for the C function, it just directly maps to that function instead.
It doesn't seem like it should be too hard, and does make a whole lot of
Obviously, this would require some care with it's use, but for wrapping pure
C functions (and not C++ or accessors for structures, variables, constants,
etc.), it could get rid of the need to generate a C wrapper at all. (And in
many cases, it would just provide an alternative for the parsing
functionality that DLLCC provides) This would work, but users would have to
stay within a certain limited subset of functionality. (but no worse than
say, what DLLCC provides)
I'll add that as a feature request and hopefully integrate it into the next
build, and that should work accross all Smalltalk dialects. I imagine I'll
have to add some support to declare the calling convention that is desired,
as one would need to specify that and get it right in using this particular