Re: [Seaside-dev] Accessing service from a mail .

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Re: [Seaside-dev] Accessing service from a mail .

Paul DeBruicker
On 02/22/2013 12:26 AM, sarath raj wrote:

> 1) i created a REST Service in seaside sub class of WARestfulFilter  .
> 2) Another Class "testing" derived from WAComponent with a textfield and
> button .
> Action : when i click the button it will send a mail that specified in
> the textfield , and the mail contains a link . that link represents the
> REST service .
> When the user clicks the link , it will start redirect to REST service .
> I done creating mail and all , but i am struck with how i can set a body
> of a mail with html tags and all .
> Body contain the link to the service
> _______________________________________________
> seaside-dev mailing list
> [hidden email]

This would probably be better on the seaside users list, just because
more people read it and could respond.  So I cc'd it.

Do you want to send an html formatted email?  Is that what you're
asking?  I don't think you can right now, but it shouldn't be too hard
to get it working.

You can get an html string like this:

(WARenderCanvas builder render: [ :h | h heading level1; with: 'My Email'.
        h image url: '' ])

But I don't know how to put it and a plain version of the body content
in the body plus declaring the content type in the body.  You'd need to
add the Content-Type in the email headers plus a boundary and then in
the body the boundary at the start of the plain & html sections then
also a Content-Type declaration for each section.

seaside mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: [Seaside-dev] Accessing service from a mail .

soln i got , put this in WAEMailMessgage . header is needed

headerAt: 'Content-type' put: 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'.


On Sat, Feb 23, 2013 at 2:33 AM, Paul DeBruicker <[hidden email]> wrote:
On 02/22/2013 12:26 AM, sarath raj wrote:
> 1) i created a REST Service in seaside sub class of WARestfulFilter  .
> 2) Another Class "testing" derived from WAComponent with a textfield and
> button .
> Action : when i click the button it will send a mail that specified in
> the textfield , and the mail contains a link . that link represents the
> REST service .
> When the user clicks the link , it will start redirect to REST service .
> I done creating mail and all , but i am struck with how i can set a body
> of a mail with html tags and all .
> Body contain the link to the service
> _______________________________________________
> seaside-dev mailing list
> [hidden email]

This would probably be better on the seaside users list, just because
more people read it and could respond.  So I cc'd it.

Do you want to send an html formatted email?  Is that what you're
asking?  I don't think you can right now, but it shouldn't be too hard
to get it working.

You can get an html string like this:

(WARenderCanvas builder render: [ :h | h heading level1; with: 'My Email'.
        h image url: '' ])

But I don't know how to put it and a plain version of the body content
in the body plus declaring the content type in the body.  You'd need to
add the Content-Type in the email headers plus a boundary and then in
the body the boundary at the start of the plain & html sections then
also a Content-Type declaration for each section.

seaside mailing list
[hidden email]

Sarath Raj

seaside mailing list
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Re: [Seaside-dev] Accessing service from a mail .

Gastón Dall' Oglio

Set fullDocument to true to get a HTML Document with a head too, instead only the body (but not if it is necessary to send html in an email):
 WAHtmlCanvas builder fullDocument: true; render: [ :html | ...

I use this code for send email:

sendEmailTo: to subject: subject text: textBody html: htmlBody
"Send multi-part MIME email message."
| server port user password smtpClient mailMessage |

server :=  (self application preferenceAt: #smtpServer).
port := (self application preferenceAt: #smtpPort).
user := (self application preferenceAt: #smtpUsername).
password := (self application preferenceAt: #smtpPassword).

[ mailMessage := MailMessage empty. 
mailMessage setField: 'from' toString: from.
mailMessage setField: 'to' toString: to.
mailMessage setField: 'subject' toString: subject.
mailMessage addAlternativePart: textBody contents contentType: 'text/plain'.
mailMessage addAlternativePart: htmlBody contents contentType: 'text/html'.
(smtpClient := ZdcSecureSMTPClient new)
user: user; 
password: password.

smtpClient openOnHost: (NetNameResolver addressForName: server) port: port.

^ smtpClient 
mailFrom: from to: { to } text: mailMessage text;
yourself ] on: Exception do: [ :ex | ^ false ].


2013/2/23 sarath raj <[hidden email]>
soln i got , put this in WAEMailMessgage . header is needed

headerAt: 'Content-type' put: 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'.


On Sat, Feb 23, 2013 at 2:33 AM, Paul DeBruicker <[hidden email]> wrote:
On 02/22/2013 12:26 AM, sarath raj wrote:
> 1) i created a REST Service in seaside sub class of WARestfulFilter  .
> 2) Another Class "testing" derived from WAComponent with a textfield and
> button .
> Action : when i click the button it will send a mail that specified in
> the textfield , and the mail contains a link . that link represents the
> REST service .
> When the user clicks the link , it will start redirect to REST service .
> I done creating mail and all , but i am struck with how i can set a body
> of a mail with html tags and all .
> Body contain the link to the service
> _______________________________________________
> seaside-dev mailing list
> [hidden email]

This would probably be better on the seaside users list, just because
more people read it and could respond.  So I cc'd it.

Do you want to send an html formatted email?  Is that what you're
asking?  I don't think you can right now, but it shouldn't be too hard
to get it working.

You can get an html string like this:

(WARenderCanvas builder render: [ :h | h heading level1; with: 'My Email'.
        h image url: '' ])

But I don't know how to put it and a plain version of the body content
in the body plus declaring the content type in the body.  You'd need to
add the Content-Type in the email headers plus a boundary and then in
the body the boundary at the start of the plain & html sections then
also a Content-Type declaration for each section.

seaside mailing list
[hidden email]

Sarath Raj

seaside mailing list
[hidden email]

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Re: [Seaside-dev] Accessing service from a mail .

Gastón Dall' Oglio
A clarification, in line:

mailMessage setField: 'from' toString: from

from can be same as user or different, depending as your smtp server configuration.

2013/2/25 Gastón Dall' Oglio <[hidden email]>

Set fullDocument to true to get a HTML Document with a head too, instead only the body (but not if it is necessary to send html in an email):
 WAHtmlCanvas builder fullDocument: true; render: [ :html | ...

I use this code for send email:

sendEmailTo: to subject: subject text: textBody html: htmlBody
"Send multi-part MIME email message."
| server port user password smtpClient mailMessage |

server :=  (self application preferenceAt: #smtpServer).
port := (self application preferenceAt: #smtpPort).
user := (self application preferenceAt: #smtpUsername).
password := (self application preferenceAt: #smtpPassword).

[ mailMessage := MailMessage empty. 
mailMessage setField: 'from' toString: from.
mailMessage setField: 'to' toString: to.
mailMessage setField: 'subject' toString: subject.
mailMessage addAlternativePart: textBody contents contentType: 'text/plain'.
mailMessage addAlternativePart: htmlBody contents contentType: 'text/html'.
(smtpClient := ZdcSecureSMTPClient new)
user: user; 
password: password.

smtpClient openOnHost: (NetNameResolver addressForName: server) port: port.

^ smtpClient 
mailFrom: from to: { to } text: mailMessage text;
yourself ] on: Exception do: [ :ex | ^ false ].


2013/2/23 sarath raj <[hidden email]>
soln i got , put this in WAEMailMessgage . header is needed

headerAt: 'Content-type' put: 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'.


On Sat, Feb 23, 2013 at 2:33 AM, Paul DeBruicker <[hidden email]> wrote:
On 02/22/2013 12:26 AM, sarath raj wrote:
> 1) i created a REST Service in seaside sub class of WARestfulFilter  .
> 2) Another Class "testing" derived from WAComponent with a textfield and
> button .
> Action : when i click the button it will send a mail that specified in
> the textfield , and the mail contains a link . that link represents the
> REST service .
> When the user clicks the link , it will start redirect to REST service .
> I done creating mail and all , but i am struck with how i can set a body
> of a mail with html tags and all .
> Body contain the link to the service
> _______________________________________________
> seaside-dev mailing list
> [hidden email]

This would probably be better on the seaside users list, just because
more people read it and could respond.  So I cc'd it.

Do you want to send an html formatted email?  Is that what you're
asking?  I don't think you can right now, but it shouldn't be too hard
to get it working.

You can get an html string like this:

(WARenderCanvas builder render: [ :h | h heading level1; with: 'My Email'.
        h image url: '' ])

But I don't know how to put it and a plain version of the body content
in the body plus declaring the content type in the body.  You'd need to
add the Content-Type in the email headers plus a boundary and then in
the body the boundary at the start of the plain & html sections then
also a Content-Type declaration for each section.

seaside mailing list
[hidden email]

Sarath Raj

seaside mailing list
[hidden email]

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[hidden email]
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Re: [Seaside-dev] Accessing service from a mail .

Gastón Dall' Oglio
And here is an example of an method that generate text and html versions [1]:

sendEmailChangeConfirmationTo: email confirmUrl: url timeout: timo newUser: newUser
"Compose and send email. Answer true on success, false on failure."
| textBody htmlBody emailOk appName |
appName := 'Login Test App'.
textBody := (WriteStream on: String new)
<< 'This email is in response to your request change your '; << appName; << ' email address.'; crlf;crlf;
<< 'Direct your browser to the following URL within ';<< timo asString; << ' minutes to confirm this change'; crlf;crlf;
<< '         '; << url; crlf;crlf;
<< 'If you did not request an address change then this message may indicate a beak-in attempt at ';<< appName; <<'.'.
htmlBody := WAHtmlCanvas builder fullDocument: true; render: [ :html |
html div
style: 'font-size: 11pt';
with: [
html div
style: 'margin-bottom: 10px;';
with: 'This email is in response to your request change your ', appName, ' email address'.
html text: 'Click on the link below within ', timo asString, ' minutes to confirm this change.'.
html div
style: 'margin-left:20pt;margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:10px;';
with: [
html anchor
url: url;
with: 'Confirm address change'].
html text: 'If the link above is unresponsive, copy and paste the URL below into your browser''s address field to confirm the change.'.
html div
style: 'margin-left:20pt;margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:10px;';
with: url.
html text: 'If you did not request a change then this message may indicate a beak-in attempt at ', appName, '.']].

(emailOk := self sendEmailTo: email subject:  appName, ' email address change - action required' text: textBody html: htmlBody)
ifFalse: [ Transcript cr; show: url ].
^ emailOk

[1] I've taken most of this code of some objects that are part of TFLogin


2013/2/25 Gastón Dall' Oglio <[hidden email]>
A clarification, in line:

mailMessage setField: 'from' toString: from

from can be same as user or different, depending as your smtp server configuration.

2013/2/25 Gastón Dall' Oglio <[hidden email]>

Set fullDocument to true to get a HTML Document with a head too, instead only the body (but not if it is necessary to send html in an email):
 WAHtmlCanvas builder fullDocument: true; render: [ :html | ...

I use this code for send email:

sendEmailTo: to subject: subject text: textBody html: htmlBody
"Send multi-part MIME email message."
| server port user password smtpClient mailMessage |

server :=  (self application preferenceAt: #smtpServer).
port := (self application preferenceAt: #smtpPort).
user := (self application preferenceAt: #smtpUsername).
password := (self application preferenceAt: #smtpPassword).

[ mailMessage := MailMessage empty. 
mailMessage setField: 'from' toString: from.
mailMessage setField: 'to' toString: to.
mailMessage setField: 'subject' toString: subject.
mailMessage addAlternativePart: textBody contents contentType: 'text/plain'.
mailMessage addAlternativePart: htmlBody contents contentType: 'text/html'.
(smtpClient := ZdcSecureSMTPClient new)
user: user; 
password: password.

smtpClient openOnHost: (NetNameResolver addressForName: server) port: port.

^ smtpClient 
mailFrom: from to: { to } text: mailMessage text;
yourself ] on: Exception do: [ :ex | ^ false ].


2013/2/23 sarath raj <[hidden email]>
soln i got , put this in WAEMailMessgage . header is needed

headerAt: 'Content-type' put: 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'.


On Sat, Feb 23, 2013 at 2:33 AM, Paul DeBruicker <[hidden email]> wrote:
On 02/22/2013 12:26 AM, sarath raj wrote:
> 1) i created a REST Service in seaside sub class of WARestfulFilter  .
> 2) Another Class "testing" derived from WAComponent with a textfield and
> button .
> Action : when i click the button it will send a mail that specified in
> the textfield , and the mail contains a link . that link represents the
> REST service .
> When the user clicks the link , it will start redirect to REST service .
> I done creating mail and all , but i am struck with how i can set a body
> of a mail with html tags and all .
> Body contain the link to the service
> _______________________________________________
> seaside-dev mailing list
> [hidden email]

This would probably be better on the seaside users list, just because
more people read it and could respond.  So I cc'd it.

Do you want to send an html formatted email?  Is that what you're
asking?  I don't think you can right now, but it shouldn't be too hard
to get it working.

You can get an html string like this:

(WARenderCanvas builder render: [ :h | h heading level1; with: 'My Email'.
        h image url: '' ])

But I don't know how to put it and a plain version of the body content
in the body plus declaring the content type in the body.  You'd need to
add the Content-Type in the email headers plus a boundary and then in
the body the boundary at the start of the plain & html sections then
also a Content-Type declaration for each section.

seaside mailing list
[hidden email]

Sarath Raj

seaside mailing list
[hidden email]

seaside mailing list
[hidden email]