Re: [Seaside-dev] redirctTo:

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Re: [Seaside-dev] redirctTo:

Philippe Marschall
2009/12/21 Hernan Wilkinson <[hidden email]>:
> Hi,
>  we are building an app that does credit card authentication. One of
> the is called 3D secure. The idea of 3d secure is to contact a server,
> the server returns an address where the client has to be redirected
> and we need to pass an url in the redirect where after the user will
> return when he finish the authentication.

Oh 3ds, I feel you pain. :-( I don't know how people could seriously
propose this with a straight face. But that's an other rant.

>  We are doing the redirect sending redirectTo: to the request context,
> and we pass as url to return the current url (that is the url used by
> the client to get into our seaside component, with the _s and _k
> fields).
>  The problem is that when it returns from the 3d secure site using the
> url we passed, it creates a new instance of the component that issued
> the redirect, it does not uses the same instance that issued the
> redirect but we need to  get back to the same component because we
> have some state in that component... is it possible to do that? how?

Use the same logic to generate the URL as used in #callback: on an anchor.

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