Re: Smalltalk Solutions 2002 nformation

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Re: Smalltalk Solutions 2002 nformation

Alan Knight-2
As Jim pointed out, due to a number of circumstances, some of them beyond
our control, we are very late getting organized for the conference this
year. Cincom had already booked those facilities and so we were able to add
on the additional space cheaply at short notice, and since it's in the same
city we will be able to take advantage of some Cincom people to do legwork
in town. Last year we did the same thing in Chicago with CGEY having a
significant presence in time.

The Cincom conference we're co-locating with is targeted at their
manufacturing systems, so there's not really a whole lot of overlap,
although we are taking advantage of the non-industry-specific keynotes
speaker that they'd already booked.

Finally, as co-technical chair of the conference, I would like to
personally assure everyone that my interests in this are first and foremost
in the promotion of Smalltalk, regardless of dialect. Speaking personally,
while I do work for Cincom, I have done a great deal of work in VisualAge,
have great respect for that dialect and for the people work on and in it,
and have many friends in that community. I am a big fan of Dolphin
Smalltalk, and have publicly said before that MVP is my current favourite
UI paradigm and that Dolphin has the best usability of any of the
Smalltalks I've used. I've followed Squeak from the beginning, although
I've not yet had the chance to do serious work with it. I've not had as
many opportunities to use some of the other dialects, but I'm eager to
learn about them.

This is, and will remain, a vendor-neutral event. Cincom has made a major
commitment of time and resources to helping make it happen, including
allowing me to spend time on organizing it, and for that we can all be
grateful. If you're concerned about the representation of other dialects,
the best thing you can do is spend time making sure they're represented. We
are very interested in having speakers, tutorial presenters, volunteers,
sponsors, BOFs, and any other things you can think of to make sure this is
a successful conference for everyone.

See for details and/or e-mail me at
[hidden email] or one of the other organizers. We'd really like to hear
from you.

Thank you,
Alan Knight
Technical co-chair, Smalltalk Solutions 2002
[hidden email]

Joseph Pelrine <[hidden email]> wrote in
news:[hidden email]:

> Is it purely coincidence that Cincom seems to be holding their user's
> conference at *exactly* the same time in *exactly* the same place?
> That seems to be stretching
> the sponsorship idea a little bit, doesn't it? How vendor-neutral will
> StS be?
> Joseph
> James Robertson wrote:
>> Smalltalk Solutions 2002 will be happening April 21-24 in Cincinnati,
>> Ohio.  The registration and information site is up and accepting
>> online registration and speaker volunteers.
>> Please visit: and see what's up
>> this year!
>> If you would like to speak:
>> Please send mail to
>> Ed Porter - [hidden email]
>> or
>> Alan Knight - [hidden email]
>> If you would like to be a co-sponsor or set up a booth, please
>> contact'
>> Cliff Sage - [hidden email]
>> Thanks!
> --
> Joseph Pelrine [ | ]
> MetaProg GmbH
> Email: [hidden email]
> Web:
> "Inheritance was invented at 2 AM between January 5th and 6th, 1967" -
> Krysten Nygaard