Dear Aaron,
sorry I work at the university and not really aware of French
companies working on Smalltalk.
You should ask people on the esug mailing-list (in CC).
On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 12:56 PM, Aaron Maddox <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Dear Serge,
> I’m reaching out to you today to ask for assistance regarding Smalltalk.
> LinkCraft GmbH builds bridges between software development companies. We
> have a contact in Switzerland who would like to connect with some new
> Smalltalk development providers. We are looking for companies here, not
> freelancers.
> We usually focus on Spanish providers, yet are interested in meeting French
> companies in this case. If there are any contacts in France you would like
> to recommend, we’ll be happy to look into sending business in their
> direction.
> We greatly appreciate any tips you can provide! If you have any questions,
> please don’t hesitate to write or call me directly.
> Best regards from Munich,
> Aaron
> --------------------------------------------
> Aaron Maddox
> Geschäftsführer, LinkCraft GmbH
> M: +49 178 354 0055
> E:
[hidden email]
> LinkCraft GmbH
> Theresienstr. 63
> 80333 München
> Germany
Serge Stinckwich
Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk
Esug-list mailing list
[hidden email]