When you ask this question on comp.lang.smalltalk.dolphin you will certainly
hear that Dolphin Smalltalk is the way to go if you have to do COM stuff.
And they are a very helpful (and knowledgable) bunch of people, those
of clsd.
rob van lopik
"Pino Gargiulo" <
[hidden email]> wrote in message
[hidden email]...
> "Jay O'Connor" <
[hidden email]> wrote in message >
> ... snip ...
> > I use Python in a lot of places where others would probably use Perl.
> > Pythons regex support is not a strong as Perl's, but its support for
> > abstraction(and hence, more complicated problems) is much more
> This brings up a question I was about to ask. I'm getting involved in a
> small project
> that requires a couple of COM servers, whatevere these are exactly... the
> nice thing
> is that any developmente language can be chose. My backgroung is Unix &
> dabble a bit with VWNC (no serious work) and this is my second time I
> something on m$ platform.
> For this project I was considering Smalltalk and Python. The first so I
> could be
> some real stuff done and Python because apparently it permits quite easy
> access
> the the mysterious (to me) m$ APIs. I really would want to stay away from
> VC++,
> and I'm looking for some quite turnaround environment since I'll be
> COM on the job.
> Anybody care to give some advice? I played around with DST but never
> much at the existance of a COM wrapper/interface.
> Pino