Made the mistake of running the FFI unit tests in Cuis, which directly led me down the rabbit hole. Think I have made some progress in understanding, but don't yet see how to teach VMMaker to get code from register. Here is crux of one of my investigations: ============================== ===== C source ======sqFFITestFuncs.c /* test passing and returning doubles */ EXPORT(double) ffiTestDoubles(double d1, double d2) { printf("The two floats are %f and %f\n", (float)d1, (float)d2); return d1+d2; } ===== ASM === from objectdump -d 0000000000000ac0 <ffiTestDoubles>: ac0: a9be7bfd stp x29, x30, [sp, #-32]! ac4: 90000000 adrp x0, 0 <ffiTestChars> ac8: 91000000 add x0, x0, #0x0 acc: 910003fd mov x29, sp ad0: 6d0127e8 stp d8, d9, [sp, #16] ad4: 1e604009 fmov d9, d0 ad8: 1e604028 fmov d8, d1 adc: 1e624000 fcvt s0, d0 ae0: 1e624021 fcvt s1, d1 ae4: 1e22c000 fcvt d0, s0 ae8: 1e22c021 fcvt d1, s1 aec: 94000000 bl 0 <printf> af0: 1e682920 fadd d0, d9, d8 af4: 6d4127e8 ldp d8, d9, [sp, #16] af8: a8c27bfd ldp x29, x30, [sp], #32 afc: d65f03c0 ret // result returned in d0 (NB: _not_ x0) =================Cuis Workspace (after FFI unit test)=========== FFITestLibrary ffiTestDoubles: 30.0 with: 65.0. "--> 00.00558872584952 -- should be 95.0" =================Terminal Output=================================== The two floats are 30.000000 and 65.000000 =================================================================== FFIPlugin>>ffiCreateReturnOop: retVal ... ^interpreterProxy floatObjectOf: (self ffiReturnFloatValue). ==================================================================== My theory: return value taken from x0, not d0.==============================================Is this a sensible interpretation?Any hints from Heloise? Thanks much,-KenDPS: Merry Christmas! (I would use Xmas, but who knows what is lurking under the X? 8^) _______________________________________________ VM-beginners mailing list [hidden email]
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In reply to this post by KenDickey
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Hi Ken, I have a suggestion. Instead of initializing WordSize from Smalltalk wordSize I would create two subclasses with a wordSize method, hardcoded as ^4 and ^8 respectively. We want to be able to simulate any of the processors on any platform, hence we can simulate x64 on the 32-bit version and x86 on the 64-bit version as well as 32-bit processors on 32-bit versions and 64-bit processors on 64-bit versions. So structuring the ARM FFI as an abstract subclass with a subclass responsibility for wordSize, along with two subclasses for 64 & 32 bits will give us that flexibility. Where a wordSize define would make sense would be in platforms/Cross/plugins/IA32ABI/*ARM*, although you might want to review the code first and see if #ifdef or splitting the files into 32 and 64-bit versions is cleaner. On Sun, Dec 23, 2018 at 8:06 AM <[hidden email]> wrote:
_,,,^..^,,,_ best, Eliot _______________________________________________ VM-beginners mailing list [hidden email] |
In reply to this post by KenDickey
Ah! Doscovered CCodeGenerator. Don't know where it was hiding.
From the rabbit hole down into the mine shaft. Gee, sure is dark down here. Hope it's shallow! ;^) -KenD
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In reply to this post by Eliot Miranda-2
See, if you don't give me VMMaker write access, you won't get a certain class of dumb mistakes! Thanks, -KenD
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In reply to this post by Eliot Miranda-2
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